
Can you help me with this problem?

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A very talented child; my daughter is very black about her future and brings this negative energy and surrounds us (her parents) with it.

I have complete faith in her wonderful skills; she is so talented. But I fear this negative energy that she looks at everything through; will bring her bad luck.

Have you experienced this type of thing; and what could be done to bring her to a more serene way of dealing with things?




  1. Talk to her and ask her why she looks at life this way. If to no avail i suggest you to to someone who can deal with this problem  

  2. Dear Sir,

    Let your daughter go ahead with talents. Don't you worry about her colour. I have seen practically in my life that girls despite their colour being black, were married to persons having white colour, on account of their talents. God is merciful and judicious.

  3. It is just a phase of life and will pass away.

  4. All people go in and out of this phase. Perhaps some pleasant activities (sports, hobbies) are in order?

    You should also try to rationalize your faith to her, just saying "I believe in you" is not believable. Kids know that their parents are biased.

    Also, try to focus on your daughter and not on the effect she is having on you (the parents).

  5. let her go in her way if not effect her if u are so worried habout her talk her tell what is right action and wrong so that she able to make an decision on own

  6. You're the parent...........PARENT her better!

    google parenting skills and help her.........YOUR ARE THE PARENT!

  7. I think she have a self-confidence issue, maybe it is caused by her social environment, try to take him to any kind of activity that involve a lot of people. How about auditioning for "Top Model'?

  8. get you and your daughter in a good church. i also have a talented daughter she sings, plays guitar and violin. shes about to turn 14. im blessed because we got involved in church when she was 12. she got involved in youth group and this was a bunch of kids who all share the same interest music and a love for the lord, she was miss negativity to before this. but they helped her through her negitive behavior by setting a better example... and shes learned that the lord loves her and wants only good things for her life... i truly believe that if it wasn't for youth group she wouldn't have the bright outlook she has now for her future. she going to pursue music and she has the right support system to help her succeed. she has the lord her parents and her church standing behind her.... if god is for you no who can be against you.. good luck and god bless...

  9. Just tell her how much you love her and that she means the world to you.

    Love her unconditionally so she'll always know that there aren't any reasons you love her but that you just do no matter what.

    Take her somewhere nice where just the three of you can relax and have a good time and just be yourself and enjoy your daughters presence.

    There must be a reason why she's so negative about herself so with as much tact as you can muster try and find out what it is so you can do something to reverse it.

    And personally I would keep her away from the television because that in itself could have a very depressing and negative influence on anyone especially a young girl.

    God bless you and I hope peace and joy will be with you and your family always.

  10. dear sir

    tell her those whose are beautiful are bad at hearts.

    she is talented god will never do wrong with good person.

    that guys are stupid who looks color.

    give her the example of persons who were black but succeed in life.

    tell her u want to see her at the top.

    so lets off thinking on color and work only for success.

  11. you may  mail to for  free guidance

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