
Can you help me with this situation?

by  |  earlier

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I met this guy about 3 months ago. We got on well n would txt each other loads n chat on MSN till the early hours of the morning. We also went out on a weekend n brought a friend each, who turned out to like each other.

In the 1st month he asked me out 3 times. I said not yet we hardly know each other, but that wasn’t the real reason. The reason was that the friend I took wanted his friend to ask her out, but he wasn’t showing any signs he was gonna n I felt horrible if I said yeh coz it was like everything was perfect 4 me but not her. Anyways.. he said he would wait until I was ready to say yeh.

We still went out (the 4 of us) as friends. But 1 night I got drunk n tried goin all the way with him…BAD idea!! But I cant go back in time n change it, so I’m not gonna dwell on it. Anyways, since then we don’t talk as much or see each other as much. I saw him the weekend after it n since then I haven’t seen him for 2 weeks. He never texts anymore, I maybe get one text a week! :(




  1. he's taking longer now because he's deciding if you're worth the risk. since you tried to sleep with him when you got drunk he most likely lost alot of respect for you. and if you two do end up together, dont count on him being alright with the idea of you drinking when he isn't around.

    the first thing a guy looks for in a girl is loyalty and what you did basically showed him that when you're drunk you want to have s*x, and to him that means you may do it with whoever is willing

  2. ugh.......yeah bad idea.......♥don't get detoxticated next time !! ♥be a social drinker♥not a heavy party drinker!!bad things can happen when you do that...

    ♥good luck 2 you

  3. ask him out your self

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