
Can you help me with this telephone problem?

by  |  earlier

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Our cellphones are calling our house phone on their own.Then we answered & no one's there.Also, the house phone calls the cellphones by itself. Also cellphones call each other.When someone called our house phone 3 times neither one could hear. Next time both could hear. This is happening now...keeps happening..about 7 times straight We have the kind of service that's connected to comp...but comp. isn't effected. Would like some help please.

Also...the cellphones are "routed" thru the comp. (If no one answers house phone, it's routed to cellphone).

Also..this started today. We had old portable phones. Got new ones. Didn't like them. Put old ones back up. Could this change have anything to do with it.




  1. Unfortunately, still too many unknowns to be able to answer the question correctly.

    But, sounds like either a problem with your call forwarding service, or the new cordless home phones.  If cordless phones are new, and if problem is only now happening with new phones, and if problem goes away when you put back old phones, then it's starting to sound like a possible "wireless" interference/conflict issue with new phones.

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