
Can you help my cat?

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My cat has a sore eye, I noticed it this morning and its only got worse, he can barely open it now. Any ideas of what it could be or what I can do to help? thanks




  1. my cat always get that i brought her to the vet once and she game me a medicine to put in the eye..... if you can you should take it to the vet.

  2. Depending on if it's red or just gunky it is probably either a infection or URI.

    If she has been sneezing at all or a runny/gunky nose than it is probably URI. Upper Respiratory Infection. URI is somewhat the equivalent to the common cold for humans. It's common and is easily treated in usually less then 10 days worth of medication that you can get from your vet.

    If it is just the eye that is problematic, than its pry just an infection. It can also usually be easily treated. Almost as quickly and easily as URI. You can also receive this medication from your vet.

    Hope all this helps!!

  3. get a warm wash cloth NO SOAP and wet her eye and when you can get her to a vet if not better in a day or so

  4. When it comes to eyes, vet always.  Possibly an eye infection or an injury.  It needs treatment or she could lose her vision in that eye or the other eye could get infected.

  5. Get your cat to the VET ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. please don't wipe your cats eye . it could have something sharp in it. try sterile salt water dribbled into the eye and gentle dabbing with a cotton ball ,if no better in a day go to vet . it really could be anything a vet is your best choice.

  7. Hi there,

    Eye problems are nothing to mess with. It can range from getting "bopped" in the eye, even with his own paw while grooming, a foreign body in his eye, to a bacterial infection or viral infection. He must be in pain!

    Please get your cat to a vet ASAP to have his eye examined, and the proper medication administered and receive pain meds for his eye.

    Here is a link to a list of eye conditions that cats can get.

    Without a diagnosis about what is causing the problem, it is difficult to suggest a solution that will not cause further damage.You might try calling your vet or a vet ER and describe the situation and ask them for suggestions.

    Hope your kitty is ok!


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former Oriental Shorthair and Siamese breeder

  8. Mt cat ( like me ) gets those from time to time it just fades in day or so if not then take to vet

  9. It could be an injury to the eye

    It could be conjunctivitis.

    It could be alergies or a bad cold.

    It could be several things, none of them are pleasant.   This isn't something you can mess with, you have to get the cat to a vet ASAP.  Even if your vet's office isn't open, they should have someone you can call in case of an emergency.  

    Eyes are delicate things and rarely can be treated by anyone but a qualified vet.  
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