
Can you help with my dream?

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Last night I dreamed that my boyfriend, of 5 months, cheated on me. I am starting school in, like, a week or so.

The setting was the Backstage of the stage we have at the school.(Drama is going to be one of my classes) I saw my boyfriend, and kicked him gently on his butt, as me and my friend walked past him.

He didn't acknowledge me. But what he did do is sit on the sofa, looking mad.

I asked him, "What did I do? We haven't seen each other all summer! I couldn't have done anything wrong!" And he gets up, walks to the middle of the room, and starts to ask some girls something, which basically says, ' This is who you are, you act just like them' .

I was insulted. I heard another girl call him and he RAN to her, and said, " I'm here honey."

What does this mean? No rude comments, please.




  1. It was possibly just a manifestation of your fears that he may have been unfaithful to you over the summer break (you mentioned in the dream that you haven't seen him all summer, so I'm assuming thats the case). It is normal to have a little anxiety when you are seperated from someone you love. If you have solid reasons to suspect that he may have cheated, then this is just your dream reflecting this suspicion and perhaps its something you need to discuss with him, as trust in a relationship is obviously very important. However, if this is a dream which has no foundations in your real waking life (i.e> he has never given you any reasons to suspect his loyalty), then it would be very unfair to be suspicious of him based on this dream, which may just be a random dream influenced by your seperation anxiety. Good luck back at school :)

  2. To see your boyfriend in your dream, represents your waking relationship with him and how you feel about him. and It is also symbolic of your own relationship with that person. Perhaps you need to let go of this relationship.

    Also on the cheating aspect;

    To dream that your mate, spouse, or significant other is cheating on you, indicates your fears of being abandoned. You may feel a lack of attention in the relationship. Alternatively, you may feel that you are not measuring up to the expectations of others. This notion may stem from issues of trust or self-esteem.

    Hope this helps ^_^

    Blessed Be


  3. I myself have often wonder what dreams mean and I found an excellent site which I am including, good luck.

    A dream dictionary that explores the variety of meanings in a dream symbol - 72k - Cached

    this info will give you the meaning to each thing in your dream, and you can email the author and he will help you to better understand your dream.

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