Last night I dreamed that my boyfriend, of 5 months, cheated on me. I am starting school in, like, a week or so.
The setting was the Backstage of the stage we have at the school.(Drama is going to be one of my classes) I saw my boyfriend, and kicked him gently on his butt, as me and my friend walked past him.
He didn't acknowledge me. But what he did do is sit on the sofa, looking mad.
I asked him, "What did I do? We haven't seen each other all summer! I couldn't have done anything wrong!" And he gets up, walks to the middle of the room, and starts to ask some girls something, which basically says, ' This is who you are, you act just like them' .
I was insulted. I heard another girl call him and he RAN to her, and said, " I'm here honey."
What does this mean? No rude comments, please.