
Can you help with my reverse pivit?

by  |  earlier

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Well, it' sort of a reverse pivot, I seem to leave my weight

centered on the backswing ( rather than forward ). But, then

I do go backwards on the downswing ( knee goes towards target line - hip and shldrs open). Any suggestions?




  1. It seems like you have basic knowledge about what you're doing wrong...which is good. Try to do this for a couple practice sessions.....

    1) Make sure on the backswing you transfer 90% of your weight to your right foot and actually lift your left foot off the ground.

    2) Also on the back swing make sure you turn your left shoulder behind the ball.

    The combination of these two steps should clear up your problem, just be sure you don't start swaying away from the ball. By that I mean TURN your upper not SWAY from the ball....

    Good Luck!

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