
Can you help with the benefits of different types of play for children?

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I have been asked to design a room for 0-2 year old children. I am then asked ' What materials, activities and equipment can be used to promote play and development according to age, needs and abilities.'

I think I should be writing for example 'sand/water - promotes social skills, manipulative etc and is suitable for children aged 1 yr +'

Im not sure, any suggestions greatly appreciated!





  1. i think u r on the right track.

    blocks promote cognitive skills as well as hand eye coordination

    make sure all the toys are large b/c of age

    just have a lot of manipulatives, at any age they are good, children this young learn from playing.

    the only thing would to not overdo it with too many things

  2. lagos thay help with hand eye cordonation balls with little objects in them thay help identifie what the object is  and anything with shapes like the ball that you have to put a star in and have them tell you what it is

  3. Dramatic play area-play kitchen, table, dress up clothes promote imagination, creativity, social and self help skills.

    Library area-quiet area for children to relax and promote early literacy

    Active area-with soft mats for low climbing and crawling at different levels to help promote gross motor skills-You can also include the Music Area here with a stereo, plenty of childrens cd's and instruments to instil appreciation for the arts and expression through music.

    Art/messy activity area- with crayons, playdough for fine motor skill development, creativity, and imagination

  4. Dramatic Play- writing skills, conversation, role playing, sharing, problem solving, self-esteem, real life/imagination connection(Have dolls, props, kitchen items a phone.)

    Sand/Water table- measuring, pouring, construction, turn taking, following rules, (have cups, buckets, spoons and other sand/water toys)

    Art- fine motor, cutting, pencil/marker/crayon usage, finger grip, creativity, color, texture, shape, form (lots of paper, pencils, stamps, scissors, collage items, glue, markers, crayons, etc)

    reading-language, sharing, speech patterns, rhyming, letter recognition, reading skills, writing skills, puppetry

    Music/Movement- gross motor skills, patterns, rhythm, exercise, language

    Table top toys- classification, sequencing, sorting, matching (games, puzzles, manipulatives like links, cubes, counting bears etc)

    Blocks- size, shape, problem solving, cooperation, balance, weight, counting

    And so much more

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