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Section Three Test

Question 1

Which of the following is (are) legal proof of insurance:

$35,000 cash deposit to the DMV

DMV certificate of self-insurance

Insurance Policy card from your insurance company

All of the above

Question 2

Which of the following statements is true:

There is no minimum speed limit in California

The maximum speed limit on undivided STATE highways is 65 mph

You may exceed the posted speed limit to “keep with the flow of traffic”

None of the above

Question 3

Concerning right-of-way at a four-way stop, which of the following is true:

The person to the right has right-of-way

The person to the left must yield right-of-way

Police and Federal vehicles have right-of-way

Traffic on the major road has right-of-way

Question 4

California recommends how large of a following distance, at speeds below 40 mph:

7 seconds

3 seconds

2 car lengths

100 feet

Question 5

A “blind” intersection is one where:

You can’t see it because of shrubbery or parked cars

You can’t see traffic for 100 feet in either direction, when within 100 feet of it

A special crossing area for blind persons

None of the above

Question 6

A turn signal:

Is required at least 100 feet before the turn

Is not required from a “turn only” lane

Is not required when turning into your own driveway

All of the above

Question 7

In California, a right turn:

Must begin AND end in the right-most driving lane

Cannot be made if opposing traffic is turning left

Can be made on a red light only after making a complete stop behind the white line or crosswalk

All of the above

Question 8

Regarding “bike lanes”:

You may drive in it up to 200 feet prior to making a turn

Parking is legal, unless signed otherwise

May be used by pedestrians when no sidewalk is available

All of the above

Question 9

A “protected left turn” is:

When a police officer directs you to make it

A green arrow pointing to the left

When turning left at a stop sign and it is your turn

All of the above

Question 10

Unless a sign prohibits it, a “U”-turn may be made:

At any four-way stop

From a center turn lane, when one is available

Must start from the left-most driving lane

All of the above

Question 11

If you are involved in an accident, causing injury or death, you must report it:

To the DMV within 24 days

To the DMV within 24 hours

To the CHP within 24 days

To the CHP within 24 hours

Question 12

You may not park:

Within 25 feet of a fire hydrant

Within 15 feet of a fire station driveway

Within 5 feet of a sidewalk ramp for the disabled

Within 5 feet of a crosswalk

Question 13

The Basic Speed Law:

Always keep up with the flow of traffic

Never drive faster than the posted speed limits

Never drive faster than it is safe for current conditions

Never drive faster than 70 miles per hour.

Question 14

A curb painted green means:

Loading or unloading passengers only

Parking for a limited time

Loading or unloading freight

Parking for a disabled person with a placard

Question 15

A curb painted blue means:

Loading or unloading passengers only

Parking for a limited time

Loading or unloading freight

Parking for a disabled person with a placard

Question 16

If your car has a sudden blowout:

Be prepared for a sudden pull to the side of the blowout

Do not brake unless it is an emergency

Turn on your warning flashers immediately

All of the above

Question 17

A road is most slippery:

As soon as the rain stops

Within the first 5 – 10 minutes of raining

About half-way through the rainstorm

After 2 hours or more of continuous rain

Question 18

Failure to stop at the scene of an accident you are involved in, can result in:

1 year in jail, $10,000.00 fine

4 years in jail, $10,000.00 fine if death or serious injury occur

Mandatory 5 years imprisonment, if a subsequent offense

All of the above

Question 19

Which of these “types” of insurance are required by law:


Uninsured Motorist



Question 20

If you have insurance, but don’t have your insurance card with you during a police stop:

You have 24 hours to show it to CHP

You have 24 hours to show it to DMV

Your license can be suspended

You can be fined $500.00 and your car can be impounded




  1. Read the handbook, how else will you learn anything........

  2. You're a moron.  Read the book.  I would much rather give you the wrong answers to all of these, but it wouldn't be worth it.

    how do you expect to be successful if you have everyone else do your work for you?  

    Go play in traffic.

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