
Can you hide your IP address

by  |  earlier

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is it possible?




  1. Use an anonymous proxy server. Your ip will be hidden from everyone except you and the proxy owner

  2. Not from another person in your same local area network.

  3. Sorry ,  It is visible to all but to change the ip they need administration rights

  4. Hide your IP with this

  5. You can use a proxy server, but that typically only masks traffic destined for HTTP.  It doesn't send DNS queries to the server.

    You can use a service like TOR (mentioned above - ). you should read the content on the website and understand how it works before using it.

    If you are worried about torrent websites and tracking your download/upload activity, I would use a program like Peer Guardian (mentioned above).  It blocks your computer from communicating with known "bad" IP addresses.

  6. Yes you can. I would recommend a program called Tor (

  7. Your IP is an essential part of networking and is required by any technical upstream device.

    It depends who you are talking about. Obviously you can't hide it from your ISP, regardless of what software you use, the phone company know which IP's were assigned to which subscriber (phone) line, so even if you anonymize it, they still have a record. This shouldn't be a problem because saying you want to hide your IP from the ISP is like asking someone to phone you without giving them your number - it just won't work.

    However if you wish to hide your IP from a destination server, then you need to mask it, since IP's are required to make connections. The most reliable way to do this is to 'proxy' the connection via another device, using it's IP instead (because it forwards your traffic for you).

  8. Proxy server is the way to go. But IP is still visible to proxy owner.

    Other wise no.

  9. there is a program called peer guardin which blocks people from seeing your ip on torrent downloads but totally hiding your ip is barley impossible to my knowledge

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