
Can you hire a teacher to come into your house and home school your children ?

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Can you hire a teacher to come into your house and home school your children ?




  1. I can't, because I don't have that much disposible income.  Maybe you are able to afford it.

    BTW, that's not homeschooling; it's private tutoring.

    If you're asking if it's allowed in your state, then we'd need to know what state you live in.

  2. yes but it's expensive.

    it's better to do most of it yourself

    and have a monitor or a tutor come once a week or as needed.

    they do have on line groups and neighborhood groups

    check your local area for more info

  3. it's called a tutor

  4. im homeschooled.

    you can just join a cyber school, or a homeschooling program.

    its MUCH harder than original school, but you get a better education, and dont have to worry about the peer pressure, and type of things kids are doing now'a days

  5. depends on which state u live in

  6. You can, but you'd have to be really rich for them to do it full-time. It'd probably cost just as much if not more than private school tuition.

    Some homeschooling families arrange for such a teacher to only come once or twice a week and the teacher gives assignments the student is expected to do in the meantime.

    The usual way, however, for parents who don't feel they can handle doing the teaching is for them to purchase resources which handle the bulk or all of the instructional part.

  7. Yes but it ain't cheap.

  8. I home school my son and I do it myself but you can hire someone to do it for you.  Home school programs come equipped with the materials you need so that anyone can home school.  You do not have to hire a certified teacher, although it would be nice but you may have to pay a nice penny for it.  You can actually hire college students, some are going to college for a degree in education and would love the chance to have that experience.

    To answer your question directly, yes you can hire a teacher to come into your house and home school your children assuming there is one available that wants the position, however, you would have to purchase the home school curriculum from A Beka (example, there are others).  You can also hire anyone you feel comfortable with and they don't have to be a teacher.

  9. Talk to a school

  10. yea but cyber schoolmight be better


  11. If you have that kind of cash, sure.  It'll be comparable to, if not more expensive than, a nice private school.

  12. sure if you have that kind of money!

  13. There are a lot of homeschooled kids in our church.  These families formed a coalition, and they *do* hire teachers to come in for certain classes, but not full-time.


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