
Can you hit golf balls with a baseball bat at a driving range?

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Like to practice your hitting...Hitting with a baseball bat(probably wood so it didnt make a loud ping) instead of the usually driving the golf ball with a golf culb...

mind you i would still be paying them for the golf balls just hitting them with a baseball bat...

Could i do that at a driving range?




  1. Probably not unless you are at some run down place who just needs the money...and Mr Baseball was doing that in Japan.

  2. no you could not the insurance company would terminate ranges policy , very dangerous  please do not do this

  3. Don't do it at a driving range; find a nice open area and use your own golf balls.  You can find a dozen balls for real cheap at a Wal-Mart .

    We did this once on a camping trip in the mountains.  I had a bag full of really old range balls that we were trashing at the course I worked at and brought them with me.  I friend of mine was on the high school baseball team while I was on the golf team.  We decided to have a contest of who could hit a golf bar farther: me using a club and him using an aluminum bat.  Granted we were hitting the off the side of a mountain cliff, it was obvious the golf club sent them much farther.

    Be safe and have fun, but most driving ranges won't let you do it.  Sorry.

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