
Can you ice skate?

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Can you ice skate?




  1. yes

    i've been skating for a long time


  3. yes, that's fun

    and I enjoyed it more when I was a kid

  4. Yes

  5. i can't remember really. with all that global warming it is difficult to find decent ice

  6. YES!

  7. Ya if i couldnt i wouldnt be able to play hockey

  8. yeah, i love it! The first time i went on the ice, i kept falling but now i'm really good and i can do lots of the moves from dancing on ice too!!

  9. Yes it is a really amazing feeling when I skate because I do figure skating not like competition just for fun at my local ice rink I used to go ice skating just the normal stuff but when dancing on ice started I thought it would be fun to do the some of the things on that not the lifts just the moves I am quite good at it but not great at it.

  10. yea! i figure skate 5 times a week!!

  11. yeah its amazing

  12. ye i figure skate and play roller and ice hockey

  13. yeah i can but I can't do anything fancy like spins....just da basics like regular skating, backwards skating...."bubbles" etc. i was in skating when i was younger and i really wish i had kept doin it cuz i love it

  14. No I can't even roller skate. I fall flat on my face!!

  15. It has been a while, but when I did i loved it! If i went back on the ice, it would take me a few minutes to get familiar again. I used to feel so free skating on the ice! I am bored today, maybe I'll go ice skating! Thanks for the idea!!!!

  16. hi blinky, yes i am very good at ice skating,   blue

  17. never tryed would love to though it would be a laff probs wudn't b able 2 lol so generally no x*x

  18. i can skate. but i can't do any fancy tricks.

    haha. i wouldn't get my feet 2 inches off that ice!!

  19. yup, it's very fun :)

    i go a few hours a week


  20. No!!i wish i could


  21. yeah

  22. no!!! i cant even roller blade!! but i might get lessons and be able to ice skate.

  23. Yeah, I love it! When I was at school we used to have as part of our lessons. We used to go to Queensway Ice Rink. It's great for toning up your legs and bum! I like speed skating too.

  24. yes i figure skate!=) IT ROCKS=)

  25. Nope

  26. Never had the opportunity - there weren't any ice rinks in the City where I lived (my mother told me there had been before the war but bombing flattened that like everything else).

    I had a pair of metal roller skates for my 9th birthday; you wore them by sliding your feet into some clamps, but they kept coming off.

    Broken pavements weren't very good for learning to skate anyway.

  27. im not dad said i was bad, but the last time i went was when i wasl like 3

  28. Yes, I've been skating for 5 years now. I just passed two MITF (moves in the field) tests two days ago. It was nerveracking and exciting. I love skating. I puts me in good mood and gets me off my butt!!! If you havent tried it already you really should. It's a sport for guys and girls and it is a lot of fun. And if you want to do it with someone else you can do it as a pair. You may end up with a hot guy/girl partner! FIGURE SKATING ROCKS!!!!!!!

  29. In circles or a straight line, yes. Not with double axl's and cherryflips and so on.

  30. Yes, it is really fun!!!
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