
Can you identify these 2 people?

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I am interested in how many people, know these 2 identities.

They are REAL people, not comic book, fantasy etc. people.

Number 1 is fairly easy.

Number 2 I'll bet hardly anyone knows.

1) Seung-Hi CHO. Think of manly last name.

2) Emily Hischler

I will reveal the answers at the conclusion of my time period.




  1. you do know that we have google the same as you do dont you?

  2. no, don't know either of them but i'm a pretty airhead so i don't care . lol x

  3. 1) Police identified the shooter as Cho Seung-h*i, 23, a senior from South Korea who was in the English department at Virginia Tech and lived on campus.

    2)Detectives believe that Cho Seung-h*i was obsessed by 18-year-old student Emily Hilscher, one of his first two victims.

    Sad story, but google can find anything.

  4. Having checked out some of your other answers, I'm glad that not many people know who these people are without googling the names.  She was a victim too, but he should not be remembered in any postive way.

  5. no

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