
Can you imagine any white man voting for Obama over Palin?

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Can you imagine any white man voting for Obama over Palin?




  1. Well, I'm pretty sure Obama is running against McCain, not Palin.

    Which answers what type of person is asking this question... =/

  2. What does being white or any other color have to do with choosing the best person to represent your country? This is America. We must choose who is the best person based on who will do the best for this melting pot of a country. Are you suggesting that white men will only vote for the McCain/Palin ticket because she is an attractive woman? That would be very irresponsible! Besides, I think she would do a fine job and just a brilliant choice based on her record.

  3. You're looking at one right here.. I don't vote on gender or race I vote on issues and what is best for the country.. You ought to try it sometime..

  4. Hard as this may be for people who live in a dream world to believe, most Democratic men think with their brains and not with their "trouser trout."

  5. Only g*y white men, she's like the ultimate MILF action.

  6. My dad is a white male and he is voting for Obama.

    Can you imagine anyone who isn't an idiot voting for McCain?

    Huh, I don't think so.

  7. Just g*y white men and white men who don't know what they are voting for...but that goes for every race and gender

  8. The intelligent ones will.

  9. I do believe the "I wouldn't mind looking at that hottie for 4 years" IS a factor worth mentioning.

  10. Oh looky here, Gomer, a trifecta: racism, sexism AND anencephaly.

  11. Yes, an educated one. Find yourself some more intelligent people to hang out with. Racism is soooooo last century.

  12. Its not a race between them actually.

  13. There'll be quite a few...meterosexuals.

  14. Yes. Most white democrats will vote for Obama.

  15. What an insult to all men! You are saying none of them take the issues this country faces seriously nor do they see the direction this country is heading. What you are saying is all men are beer drinking teenagers who can't think pass Palin's appearance.

    What a bunch of BS.

  16. Raye, there always uneducated people who will believe the worse and never try to learn anything, and you have the college set that is desperate to see a black man in office, all the kum baya set, and the impressionable young minds that are trying to fill their heads with stuff, and beer, So yes, there will be white voters for Obama.

  17. Yeah, those on welfare living off the labor of hard working people.

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