
Can you imagine what the conservatives would be saying right now if it was Baracks daughter who was prego?

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I mean obv. his daughters are very young but republicans everywhere are jumping to defend Bristol Palin all of the sudden and ridiculing us for talking about her but I can only imagine the hateful things you all would say if the pregnant one was Baracks daughter? Agreed?




  1. You've obviously missed what Obama said about the issue. You ought to catch up on the news from last week before you shoot off your mouth. You might not have embarassed yourself so much with your comment.

  2. What would conservatives say?

    "You mean she didn't have an abortion?"

    I think liberals are talking from both sides of their mouths now concerning this baby. Why on earth would people who supprt g*y pride have a problem with a baby out of wed-lock?

  3. They would be so nasty about it, just like everything else

  4. Bill O'Riley, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Pat Robertson, James Dodson, John Hagee and almighty Rush LImbaugh would work this story 24/7 until November.

  5. Man, that question is sooo yesterday.

    The dead horse is no longer there, you're just pounding the sand that was below him.

  6. ignorant hateful people will say ignorant hateful things....and there is no shortage on either side of the rhetorical aisle....

    ....the difference is what is left when you trim away all the stridency and bitterness....Is there a core of substance, or just a pile of dry shavings....?

  7. If anything, they would say that it was proof that comprehensive s*x ed was a recipe for promiscuity!

  8. They'd be all over that girl like a cheap suit.  

  9. Yes, we would hear about it all the way until November.  

  10. They'd be looking for a burning cross to nail him to...

  11. Not much, they might be asking Bill Clinton or John Edwards if it was their baby.

    Also, what do you think the Democrats would be asking if the Candidate was black?  They would compare a black republican candidate to Clearance Thomas all day long.

  12. Disagree.  Some might, but most wouldn't.  Let me pull an Obamanite on you.  It's old news now.  Remember, everything having to do with Obama is labeled as "old news" and not to be rehashed.  

  13. Oops, didn't you get the Obama campaign talking points yesterday?

    You aren't supposed to talk about that anymore.


    The campaign's snap polls found that attacking Bristol was helping Palin and the GOP.

    Team Obama never expected that when they unleashed the harpies and the snarling bloggers on the poor kid.

    They thought they could get something rocking on the hypocrisy of the bible bangers without the campaign's fingerprints on it.

    Team Obama never figured that Middle America is actually decent people and would get offended more by the attacks than the poor kid's plight.

    Guess they don't know enough "typical white people."

    This story is yesterday's news.

    Except for those who have nothing better to do.

  14. Perhaps you are correct if that was all they had to harp on

    Fortunately for Obama's clan there are enough issues on him and his outspoken wife t keep the kids out of the fray

    What would the Dems be saying if the Republicans put forth a candidate as inexperienced as he is

    Never mind we already know, and she is just running as the VP

  15. I'd like to point out that I was one of the FIRST to get on here and say don't politicize Elizabeth Edwards' and Ted Kennedy's illnesses. I also wished both families--whose politics I am vehemently opposed to--all the best wishes in their times of trouble.

    I commented on what a gorgeous family Senator Obama has, all politics aside.

    I even felt sorry for Chelsea Clinton, having being embarrassed by her father, and thought she should be left out of questions regarding it.

    So no, I disagree with you. I use issues, ideas and intellect to defeate my political adversaries.

  16. They would say what I have said. MYOB. Peace

  17. Which one?? the 5 year old or the 8 year old?

    Anyway It wouldn't have happened as Obama said he doesn't want his children "Punished with a Baby". The abortion would probably been kept quiet.  

  18. It's not good when any child in their teens becomes pregnant outside of marriage.  At least she and her boyfriend are doing the right thing in getting married and raising their child together.  Too many people have babies out of wedlock, jump on the welfare wagon and the father has absolutely nothing to do with the child after it is born.  If she were to say she were doing the above things, I think there would be a LOT of heat, but she's going the right route.

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