
Can you imagine what would happen if a Conservative said this about a liberal woman? ?

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TOLEDO, Ohio (CNN) – Joe Biden says there are obvious differences between himself and fellow vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, but they’re not just on policy. She’s good-looking.

“There’s a gigantic difference between John McCain and Barack Obama and between me and I suspect my vice presidential opponent,” Biden said at an outdoor rally Sunday, getting ready to hit the GOP ticket for their economic policies.

“She’s good-looking,” he quipped.

Liberal sexism continues! Yuck.

Jesus gave us all a chance for eternal life through his sacrifice on the cross. Why don't many of our liberal friends show respect for the fact that we are all equal and capable?




  1. Saying someone is good looking is hardly sexist - but in this case it's simply inaccurate.

    Sexist is something like "a women belongs in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant".

    Please read up on sexism.

  2. Well, considering that the Govenator (Arnold S.) got into trouble not too long ago for referring to a state representative as a "fiesty and pretty" you would think that Biden might get some flack for referring to Gov. Palin as "good looking".  

  3. Is that like the time Mccain called his 2nd wife a c*nt? No, not the first wife he left because she was disfigured in an accident.

    Or is that like the time McCain made fun of Chelsea Clinton and called her ugly?

    Hmmmm... so then to you, its ok to degrade women but calling a woman good-looking is sexist?

    THEN to bring Jesus in to it?

    I smell desperation and moral superiority that wreaks of fear.

  4. Libs won't ever show respect to anyone they disagree with.  They only want to insult or silence dissenting opinion.  And, the MSM always holds the GOP to a higher standard to that of a liberal.  There truly is a double standard to which each party is held to when it comes to media coverage.

  5. I have been waiting for someone in the media to say something about this. For over a generation liberals want us to believe there is no difference between a man and a woman, to imply so is bigoted. Then comes along Sarah Palin. She is intelligent, self made, independent minded, not afraid to take on the status quo. She is everything a woman should be, except she is married and has children and worse of all, attractive.That's not suppose to be.

    I can't speak for anyone else, but I appreciate women. I believe most men like women because they are not men. And most women like men because they are not women. There is nothing wrong with that.

    However in the liberal mind set, women don't need men. They really want us to believe there is no difference between men and women. Even an infant knows that is not true.

    Yes, if a conservative said something about a woman being 'good looking' he would be decried as a misogynist. Joe Biden was taking a cheap shot at Palin, insinuating the looks were the only thing she has going for her. He will get a pass. This is just another example the media not calling a liberal on the hypocrisy of their ideas.

  6. Dude, you are stetching.  What Biden said is not sexism, it is observable fact.  Or do you find Biden as attractive as Palin?  If there is one thing Biden is famous for, it is saying what he thinks without using a PC filter.  Your last paragraph makes no sense at all.  What does Jesus have do with this issue?

  7. I hardly think that's any different than McCain "eying" Palin a little too closely at their rally in Dayton, Ohio.

  8. You are right. If a conservative said it, there would be h*ll to pay. I am a conservative and I think Biden was just being lighthearted, no offense taken.

  9. I think there was no harm in Biden mentioning that Palin is good looking.

    But you are right that there is hypocrisy in that if a Republican said that about a democrat candidate, there would be h**l to pay.

  10. Whats more disgusting is McCains real agenda picking Palin for VP. Look at the numerous times he stared at her butt he seems more like a sexist disrespectful old pig and I can already see a s*x harrassment scandal in the works.

  11. Biden is a jerk.  But we already know that.  Frankly, I don't see the change we can believe in from the Democrat ticket, just two conventional pols.

  12. Well, I for one think his remark was intentional and sexist.  If a conservative had made this remark about a liberal woman we would have never heard the end of it, the liberals would have made sure of that.  His attempt at humor is not only disgusting, but reveals a lot about the spiritual condition of this man.  God bless!!!

  13. Although it may appear to be sexism, Biden did not say anything offensive or demeaning, he was not implying that she would be worse or better because she is a woman. He was merely giving her a compliment, and thats all it will be taken as. Liberals of all people value equality, if that were not so then Hillary Clinton would not have made it so close to becoming the next presidential candidate. And if she were republican it would have been even harder for her to come that close. Open your eyes.

  14. How is that 'sexist'?  

  15. I don't know which one has the bigger ego - Obama or Biden?  Biden is a pig. Watch his body language when he's on stage with his wife. I started paying closer attention to this during the convention. I watched him stick the microphone to her so he could take his jacket off. Then he rudely grabbed it back from her.  

    Sarah Palin will hold her own with Biden.  She's gone up against more formidable opponents.  

  16. We are not all equal there are idiots among us, one of them is residing in the White House at the present time. WWJD about the IDIOT that has murdered so many for a "legacy", I know Jesus would forgive him, but I am not Jesus, and I will never let this injustice pass unquestioned.  He refused to serve during Vietnam, while 58,000+ died, but had no problem sending 4,200 to die for his lie.  You deal with the "compassionate conservative born again christian"  I will continue to hold him in contempt for the rest of my life.

  17. Uhh, that isn't offensive - by any stretch. He was complimenting her and insulting himself. It is called being self deprecating and the Cons would do well to try it.

  18. Well, Friday night Bill Maher referred to her as a stewardess.  That was pretty disgusting and disrespectful, especially considering he didn't know enough about her to know how to correctly pronounce her name.  I guess that's the best we can expect from the left.

  19. Since when did giving a compliment and sexism become synonymous?  You Republicans crack me up.

  20. First of all, we are not all equal and capable. The statement is ridiculous on its face. Secondly, Christianity teaches Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross to pay for your sins, not to make us all equally competent, intelligent, experienced and educated, and not just for people who want to keep living in the bad old days, i.e. conservatives, which we all know is code for "I don't like change and people who don't look and think exactly as I do scare me." And its a bit much for a Republican to cry sexism. The GOP is the party that wants to declare women's bodies property of the state and give them the rights of a government owned incubator.

    There are lots of highly qualified Republican women, women who long since earned their place on the national stage, and Palin isn't one of them.  McCain first married swimsuit model Carol, and divorced her for beauty queen Cindy when Carol was disfigured in a car accident. What a fine loyal man. Now he picks a woman for VP who he's met once, another beauty queen. McCain thinks with his groin, and this pick proves it.

  21. Disgusting..  Don't even get me started.  I've heard it all today from the libs from "her place is at home" to "she should have aborted a baby with downs"... i'm sick of hearing the tolerant left preach that a woman doesn't belong in politics if she has kids.  

    Liberals are hypocritical, whining losers who will get whats coming to them in November and are s******g themselves in every election after for their woman bashing ways.

  22. It could have been a worse answer. She is

    a lot better looking than Biden, smarter, younger, intelligent, and one tough cookie. He

    better not mess words with her, as she'll have

    a come back.

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