
Can you improve your credit by being a secondary on a credit card?

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Can you improve your credit by being a secondary on a credit card?




  1. The Fair Isaac & Co developer of FICO stated earlier this year that they will drop authorized-user accounts from credit-scoring formula but few days ago admitted to Congress that it will remain. So piggy-backing is back and you can increase your score by over 100 FICO points by paying few hundreds to people with good credit and having added as authorized user. This clearly is another reason why we are in credit crisis as people with credit are using tricks to raise score and get credit.

  2. In the old days, yes. Now your credit score is based on your credit. Whether you are a co-signer, have a co-signer or are just authorized user has no bearing. You are rated on YOUR liability and history.

  3. No, I'm a secondary on my husbands account it does nothing to my credit score.  If I charge the card up high it would affect his though.  

    But he trusts me.  As far as I'm concerned, his credit score is our credit score.

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