
Can you improve your p***s size if you start at a earlier age?

by Guest57238  |  earlier

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I have already read a bunch of questions on here regarding this topic, but all resposes tend to be dealing with men that are older trying to increase p***s size. I was wondering, since the male body continues to develope until the age of like 21, will the excercises and vitamans to increase blood flow to the p***s help to improve the size of the p***s so that the gains are permanent? I mean if you can take suppliments and excercise at a young age, and it will help to train your body to look and be much healthier couldnt that same idea be applied to the p***s?




  1. it's only logical that it should

  2. The Bad News:  You'll destroy the erectile tissue in your p***s, and be permanently impotent.

    The Good News:  At least you'll be out of the gene pool.

  3. YES and NO.

    Here is your real answer.  You p***s has a predetermined size.  This will not change much.  However the p***s is made up of spongy tissue that when filled with blood will get errect.

    Similar to a Balloon.  A new one is tight and stubby.  Blow it up fully then let the air out.  Do this 10 times, and then copare the delated balloon with another new one.

    See the difference ?  Yes you are actually stretching it out and it will look bigger the more you use it.  There is of course a limit.

    Also note that bigger is not always better.  After about 9 inces no male can keep the blood at high enlough pressure to make it fully errect.

    While it migh look cool, and get people to look twice.  It will suffer greatly in stifness, and inserting and even pumping a girl now becomes much more difficult.  You'd be better off stretching a f******n over it.  This will highten sensitivity and make it look lots bigger.

    But the p***s needs to be able to get hard, and about none inces seems to be the majic number where the p***s can no longer be maintained errect long enough to fully perform.

    However - the question was will it increase size and the aswer is a yes of sorts.  Hope this was you best answer.

  4. Nope, you have to live with what you have. Otherwise you could cause yourself to become infertile, or you could do much worse to your p***s.

    You wouldn't want to have no p***s at all, would you?

  5. no you've got what nature gave you and without surgery it's likely to stay at that

  6. lol i guess  

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