
Can you install Mac OS v.10.5.4 Leopard on a PC?

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I have a Gateway Laptop and I love Mac. I don't really want to spend $1500 on a MacBook or a MacBook Pro, so I was wondering if I could install Leopard on my PC. Please Help!!!




  1. you can.

    three ways I know of

    1. build a 'hackintosh' (google to see what this is)

    2. use a hack (tricky, and requires a lot of technical expertise)

    3. use a third party installer software-  I saw something a coupl'a months ago which claims to allow you to install os-x on a pc. Cant remember the name or manufacturer though - sorry.

  2. You CAN, but it takes a great deal of effort, may not be entirely compatible with your hardware, and violates Apple's EULA (though I doubt they've actually sued anyone over it yet).

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