
Can you interpret medallion givn to my mother? "3 ter Schutren Preis zu Borgholzhausen dc 6. Aug. 1860"

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This is a medallion given to my mother from her parents. Looks like had a clasp at the top to hang from a necklace chain. Thanks.




  1. Borgholzhausen is a place in Germany.  

    Did you put this in the language section?  Someone over there may be able to help.

  2. As Joyce B already said, Borgholzhausen is a town in Germany.  Preis can mean price or prize (I would guess prize in this case), and zu means to.  The other words, however, don't translate into English when I used the online translation sites.  Ter may be an abbreviation for something, or it could be an archaic word that's no longer in use.  Schutren doesn't translate from German, either, but Schute means a barge (like a boat).  So Schutren could mean small barges?  

    At any rate, my best guess is that the medallion could be a medal someone got for winning something (maybe a boat race that ended up in Borgholzhausen on August 6, 1860??).  

    I hope someone has a better answer, because now I'm really curious!

  3. Are you sure this is spelled right?

    As the above person said try putting it in the language section.

  4. Back in 1860, sports life was very different from ours. Disciplines and competitions in the style of our time would have been a public scandal. There were not many exceptions, but shooting was one of them.  

    Is the text on your medallion written in fracture script? I guess the mysterious words are "Schützen Preis" which would make it a marksmanship medaillon. Someone received it in Borgholzhausen on August 6th 1860, but it's not clear if he was the third-best in that year, or if he was the big champion in the third competition of that kind.


    I couldn't get a word-for-word translation, but it seems to be a 3rd place prize for a duathlon (5km run-25km bike ride-another 5km run) held in Borgholzhausen, Germany on Aug. 6, 1860. "Preis" is German for "price or prize".

    Borgholzhausen, in the North Rhine-Westphalia  area of Germany, is the site of this sporting event. Borgholzhausen is also  sister cities with New Haven, Missouri.

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