
Can you interpret my weird dream?

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I was at a park with my mom, it was daytime, and in the shade I noticed two young maple trees, they just begun to sprout. As I looked at them they both begun to grow very fast, they grew in front of my eyes, going from 6 inches tall to 3 feet tall in seconds... soon they were over 7 feet tall, but still had only a few small leaves and just a very long stem. The other one was slightly smaller, but also very tall.

I was amazed, and then I noticed that the larger one was being uprooted by its weight, and it fell over and bent/broke on the bottom of its stem. I picked up the stem and noticed that inside was a white milky substance, sort of like thickened coconut milk, only white (not like cow milk).

I thik I might have tasted it, but I'm not sure about that one.

any ideas?




  1. Trees are symbols of the soul and the life principle. The type and condition of the tree tells of your spiritual condition at the moment. Damage to any part of a tree represents damage to aspects of you. The tree’s branches represent your higher functions, the trunk your social role and the roots the foundations of your personality and unconscious.

    Mystical Meaning: A tree can also be a symbol of time. The root represent the past, the trunk the present and the branches the future. Perhaps your dream contains a prophecy or says something about your hopes and fears for the future? It is said to be lucky if you dream of climbing a tree.

  2. These are two people who have grown up much too quickly or perhaps are mature for their age.  They will not have much posterity in their lives as you said there were few leaves on both trees.  The one which falls over indicates that one man is self destructive and will accomplish little in his life.  In fact, this man will leave benefit after his death for you, either by way of knowledge or wealth.  These could be two brothers, sisters, parents, I cannot say.  You know best.


  3. mmm could be that something or somethings are going to be changing for you at a rapid pace and one of those things made you overly stressed and so it is trying to tell you to stay strong and rooted in your morals. Also maybe to be closer to your family especially your mom. Just a thought...not for sure.

  4. This sounds like a dream about someone trying to grow up too fast, or achieve success too quickly  They need "deeper roots" (maturity, wisdom, experience) before they reach so high or try to be so independent.  The trees are bare because they put all their energy into growing tall (growing up) and no energy into developing other needed things in their lives.  

    The taller tree is more top heavy (representing pridefulness or arrogance  in a person) and will not be able to stand because it's "self esteem" outweighs it's ability or foundation.  Do you know sturdy trees often have a root system that is as deep as they are tall???  So are person who insists on independence too soon or turns away from wisdom of faith, family and common sense (mom) is like a tree with weak,  flimsy roots.  It is like a baby who is still drinking milk trying to act like an adult!  It is milky inside instead of sturdy and strong.

    Perhaps the second tree fared better because it was more deeply rooted or not as determined to "outgrow" its foundation as the other.  Could represent two brothers with a competitive nature or something similar.

    Perhaps you are watching young relatives trying to grow up too fast, rejecting wisdom and foundational values needed to "support" the weight of adult responsibility.  Or maybe there is a project being pushed to produce before it's time.

    Prayerfully consider!

  5. Might be something like the people who grow up before you, and seem better than you will eventually snap in their own weight, and you'll rise to the top someday, by living through harsh times, and that if you grow TOO TALL you'll snap too, no matter how pure your intentions are?

  6. Without sounding too creepy, I think the larger tree was representing your mom - maybe you are afraid she is going to be hurt or is not healthy and will get sick/fall over.

    The milk reference may be your memories of all the good stuff you have learned from her and how much you will miss her advice.

  7. you are probably thinking life is going to fast or your lie IS going to fast and you feel you should stop it.

  8. These two maple trees could represent both you and and your mom, saying that you two are too far apart from eachother and that you need to build your relationship more and more because otherwise just like in your dream it will break and there may or may not be blood shed (the white stuff)

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