I was lying down in a field of perfectly cut grass. It was smooth and it felt perfect. There was a beautiful girl laying on me sleeping, and I wanted to wake her up and kiss her, but I was too afraid, so I just let her sleep. I was playing with her hair, and I wanted to wake her up so badly, but I just couldn't. She was wearing light blue clothes. She was so beautiful, and was sound asleep in my arms.
I noticed something on her ear. It was a round earing, no larger than a quarter, that had a picture of two leaves on both halves reflected over the diameter of the earing (thats the best I can explain it), like drawing a line through the face of a quarter and reflecting a picture of two leaves over it. On one side, the leaves were red and the background was yellow, and on the otherside, the leaves were yellow and the background was red.
What does this mean?
Please help with real answers.