
Can you interpret this vision?

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My husband and I were camping at the coast and the wind was very strong one night. We were laying in our tent, my husband was asleep and I was trying to fall asleep and I had sort of a vision... I didn't literally see things the same as I see my computer screen right now, but there was definitely something that seemed to enter my consciousness... I "saw" a Native American sort of hovering above me, sitting with his legs crossed. He said "I am the wind and the water." I don't remember if he said anything else, but if he did, I didn't catch it. After he spoke these words, it was if a black bird (not sure what kind, probably a crow) either came out from him or out from behind him and was rapidly flapping his wings as he tried to fly around in the tight confines of the tent. This whole time, the wind was blowing strongly and when the bird appeared, it was as if the bird was creating the wind and the wind got stronger.




  1. The Native American could be your ancient ancestor ( and no it makes no diffrence if you are native american or not )  

    The crow could be one of your nature guardians... .. crows are the bearers of 'true law'

    Happy Visioning,  Namaste

    (Ahem...ignore Aziz... obviously he has his own issues)

  2. The man is an angel , crow is sprate your soul . Death is near us.

  3. i can't answer this question but i am glad that i am not the only one who sees into 'some other understanding' even if we don't know if we understand or not.  i think it is a special gift. but i don't know how to use or understand what i have been shown.

  4. I don't like this dream and hope never to dream of it. This is a man who some soft of power;  in fact, a bad man who can't be trusted, can't keep promises, can't get along with people.

    Have you suspected your husband is cheating!....... the dream implies something like this or could be someone who has access to you and to your family. The bottom line is who is that NOT a good man?

  5. holy moly.

    sounds amazing. i cant interpret that.

  6. I am not sure if my interpretation will be helpful, but it definitely won't be if I don't say it!  :)  Here is my thought processes--I have two, really, and these are based on my personal experience, yours may differ.  

    My first thought goes to this--have you lost somebody or something you care deeply about recently?  The day I lost someone very close to me, no kidding, I saw a phoenix in the clouds, and many other things happened that day.  Crows are commonly seen by many as harbingers of death.  Not a bad thing, but commonly disliked.  The wind and the water could refer to your loved one as being all around you--you are constantly surrounded by these two things.  

    My second idea--what are your religious beliefs?  I am Wiccan, at least vaguely.  (Best way to explain it, honestly) but I used to be very strongly Christian.  When I began to really put thought into changing religions, I had a dream.  In the dream, someone was showing me all kinds of plaques with names on them and the definition of the name--many people I loved and many I didn't know.  I asked about God, what God meant, and the plaque that was shown to me with God's name on it (I to this day can't remember/see the name that was supposed to mean God, but I know what was intended) and it simply said "All names".  Before anybody else says it, I know these things sound crazy, but, well, that's just the way I roll.  :)  I really hope I helped! Blessed Be!  :)


    Having read the gentleman's answer above me, something else occurred to me.  Perhaps freedom?  The crow could easily represent your soul, trying to escape the confines of your life, if you will.  Wind and water are both unable to be dominated.  Just a thought.  :)

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