
Can you introduce a kitten to an old cat?

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We are thinking about getting a new kitten, but the cat we already have isz like 11 years old. Do you think it would be okay to have them living in the same house together? How do you think they would react?

They would be both girls, if that mattersz.




  1. Ideally, it's easier to introduce a new member when the exiting cat was much younger, but it's not too late.

    It might be best to have 2 kittens rather than one, as a  kitten will pester the older cat to play with it.

    When you have 2 kittens, they will keep each other company & leave the older cat alone.

    Your cat won't be mates with the new arrivals, but given time, they will tolerate each other.

    It will be temping to make a lot of fuss with the cute kittens, but it's important to give extra TLC to the older cat to make her feel secured & loved.

  2. yes of course it gradually and always be with them wen they are together and ALWAYS make sure you make alot of your older cat

    Feliway plug ins are good you can get these from your vets  

  3. my friend had an old cat and got 3 kittens, the old cat didnt care for the kttens at first but after a while she got used to them around.

  4. if you put a little of the older cat's urine on the younger one, it may believe it is her child and care for it in a motherly way. you should avoid introducing the cats at time where they might get easily stressed. some cats like companions and some don't. do not try to force them to like each other. they will be able to live together, i know that. this is just a process of dominance.  

  5. I have a 4 year old and when she was a kitten we introduced her to our 11 year old female.  There will be fights and territories established and they may never get along.  It just takes time.

  6. Choose a time when your home is not too busy and you will have time to devote to your new kitty and your existing cat, avoid holidays, for example, or other times when friends and family are likely to visit.

    Before bringing home the new kitten, take her to your veterinarian to get her checked and vaccinated, kittens have weak immune systems and are likely to pick up something at the shelter or cattery. Consider adopting a cat of the opposite s*x to your existing cat, this will avoid same s*x rivalry and associated problems. For a number of reasons all your cats must be spayed/neutered.

    If possible arrange to bath your new kitten at a friends house before you take it home, this will neutralize kitty's odor, and go some way to prevent unsettling your cat.

    A short isolation period is necessary when introducing a new kitten. It would be ideal to have a separate room for the new kitten, your new little pet will need her own litter box, and food and water bowl. Some kittens will hide out under furniture for some days, more adventurous ones will be eager to explore their new home almost straight away. Do not try and force kitty to leave the room, you will know when she is ready.

    Allow your new kitten to explore around your home while your older cat is in another room. Make the introduction, slowly, bit by bit, it is a good idea to let your existing cat sniff your new kitten's blanket a few times before they actually meet. Make the initial periods of contact short. Gradually increase the time that they spend together as they get used to one another. It is not unusual for there to be a few spats in these first meetings, so do not leave them alone together until they get on. If a fight does break out, distract the combatants and get them into separate rooms as soon as possible, never punish either cat.

    The process of introducing a new kitten to an older cat, can often be relatively stress free and need not be full of problems. The key is in making the introduction slowly, and perhaps the best tip of all is to give your older cat just as much attention and affection as you give the newcomer.

    Before you know it you will have two cats that thrive on each others company.  

  7. I just introduced my cat to my friends new kittens and he was just curious and looked at them but no hissing or growling.

  8. When i got a kitten my cat didnt like it and was hissing and tried to fight it  

  9. i think that would be fine. the old cat will probably not like the kitten to much at first but will get used to it later. we did something like that except we adopted a stray. i wouldn't get a kitten though i would at least get a 1 year old  

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