
Can you jog 9.69 for the 100m just by eating Jamacan Yams or is he just another drugged up sprinter?

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Jamaican athletes coming out of no where all over the place.A few already banned, pb after pb, and the world anti doping agency complaining that Jamaica's drug testing procedure is not tight. Are they clean or is there more than meets the eye. Just because there clean now doesn't mean they were during winter training. Clean or cheat?




  1. It's always suspicious when someone wins that easily.

  2. Me I could not eat yams as they tasted terrible, I did try them once when some people from sudan lived up the road from me.

    And B I was never good at running at school.  

  3. did you see him in the 200 he iddnt break a sweat

  4. am i detecting envy....

  5. i believe hes clean but they should do all of these test on all of them not just the jamaicans any one could be using drugs and we won't know

  6. Can you break 8 world records in swimming in a week just by eating 12000 calories a day - or he he just another drugged up swimmer?

    This guy coming out of nowhere, and Team USA have already had the IOC strip 4 gold and 2 bronze medals from athletes in Sydney 2000, WR after WR, and the supposedly reputable American laboratories like BALCO making designer steroids to get around the drug testing. Are they clean, or is there more than meets the eye. Just because their tests come back ok, doesn't mean another "BALCO" isn't out there doping them up. Clean or Cheat?

    This is SO easy to turn around like this that it really comes down to the old adage - People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  7. he didn't actually jog the whole way but jogging to him is a sprint for us

  8. In the grand scheme of things today, sport is sooo irrelevant!

  9. really borderline here

    ***but the part about the jamacian yams made me lol***

  10. i think hes clean...its usually the americans that use drugs.

    jamaicans work for there merits in life.

  11. hes clean. Jamica cant afford high class drugs anyway. Youve just got to accept hes a d**n good runner.

    Although his way of showing of is pretty funny!

  12. It is a sad indictment on today's society that we greet athletic success with suspicion of cheating.

  13. Off season steroid use does enable an athlete to train more and recover faster, perhaps the biggest reason for steroid use. Nonetheless, steroids appear to have fallen from favor for use, as a lot of offseason testing is now done and the risks of getting caught appear to outweigh the rewards.

    But HGH doesn't have a  urine test for detection. That type of ergogenic agent is far more available in that part of the world too. For example: one can presume huge numbers of Dominican Republic baseball players are juiced (Juan Gonzalez trainer was caught at customs with HGH, but Gonzalez was never officially named in any drug cheating scandal).  Use of agents to inhibit myostatin (perhaps Jamaican Yams) don't appear to be regulated. Belgian Blue cattle naturally don't inhibit myostatin, are referred to as "doubled muscled" .  

    The fact is Bolt won by a huge margin, and other elite athletes throughout the world  have access to the type of performance agents that Bolt did. So if Bolt did cheat, it's probable his competitors also cheated.

  14. are you jealous????

  15. Why is it so hard for people to accept the FACT that he is a great athlete. Jeeese!  

  16. I really do believe he is just an excellent athlete. Would you be able to do what he did?

  17. Its not only the yam.......but the dumplings! green bananas!!...cassava! dashine!!! cornmeal porridge, oats porridge...and RAW TALENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ps. ASPHYXIATE, i absolutely love your answer!!! respect,

    Just to address the the blogs and comments that ppl are making a bout Usain over-celebrating and being inappropriate: HE HAS ALL RIGHT TO CELEBRATE, he's the fastest man in the world!!!! by all means...did u expect him to thump the ground in anger instead of thumping his chest in elation??

    USAIN TO DI FLIPPIN WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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