
Can you join get in army if?

by  |  earlier

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i went active and got into the guard now i want back into the big army. the problem is that i have a repo and other bills.. will that hender me getting back in?




  1. Personally, I would make sure that I had the proper paperwork showing that I was attempting to pay my bills. During your next drill weekend, talk to a Finance officer. They might be able to help you establish a budget, or at least be able to point you in the right direction. This way, if it does slow down your activiation, you could at least show that you're not just blowing your debts off.

    As for "retraining", you won't have to do any of that. You're already in the Army. Unless you're going for a different MOS, you're fine. But you probably already knew that!  

  2. Nope.


  3. no you shouldn't have a problem

  4. It will only be a problem if you are trying to get a security clearance.

    It may actually help your overall situation that you are in financial difficulties, because you have to get released from the Guard to go Active.  Financial Hardship is a good reason for the Guard to release you from your contract.

    If your Guard unit is getting ready to deploy, you can forget it, though; they need everyone they can get.

    Best thing to do is to go to your nearest Regular Army Recruiting Station and ask for a DD 368 and DA 4187 for Conditional Release, that is your first step.

    Good Luck

  5. Your financial stuff doesn't matter to them.

  6. Talk to a local recruiter.

  7. Yes. All of us owe money. As long as you are trying to pay it back you should be alright.

  8. No it shouldn't effect your joining up, but depending on how bad the debt problems are it could effect your ability to get a clearance and therefore your pick of MOS.

  9. You would like to get into the big green Army? It all depends on how old you are, and if you're willing for a bit of retraining. Your repo and other bills can be put on hold until you get done with your retraining, the military can freeze those for you.

    You can still rejoin as long as you pass the APFT in your age category and still maintain your Army military bearing. The Army may also strike up a deal with you to help pay your bills off.

    You can always get into the military, just make sure the pay from the Army will be enough to chip away at your debts after your training is done.

  10. i didnt understand your english

  11. You might have 2 problems....

    1)  Your NG unit might not want to release you if they are pending deployment...

    2)  You might have a hard time getting a security clearance if you don't already have one.

    My husband filed for Bankruptcy when he was in the ARNG (before we were married) and he was able to come in Active Duty about a year after he filed.  You shouldn't have any problems.

    Go speak to a Active Army Recruiter and they can best tell you.  Soldiers on Active Duty get things repo'd all the time.  I've seen it happen too often within 3 months of redeploying back to the States from a nice whip, and then pi$$ the money away...can't even make a carnote!

  12. Shouldn't be a problem at all, but ones who said that financial does not matter at all are somewhat wrong. If you are getting into an Intel or Psyop field, they will look at financial standing. Goodluck Hooah

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