
Can you just ask the Doctor if he/she can refer you for a Mental Health Assessment?

by  |  earlier

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For yourself?

And what will happen hereafter?

This is a serious question, and I welcome serious answers. UK specific please. x




  1. the chances are the gp will ask you why you need to go for the assessment. if he things you got a valid reason then he can refer you.

    if you go to te assessment and they think you need help, they can offer you a place a one of their hospitals or maybe put you on meds to control things and make your life a bit better.

    best of luck.

  2. Yes you can.

    However, your GP will expect you to tell him what the problem is so that he can refer you to the right place.

    Most people suffer from some poor mental health in there life (90%). Most are treated by the GP surgeries in the form of counselling or antidepressants.

    However, if the depression is bad enough, or symptoms could possible be something needing more specialist attention(mania, schizophrenia, psychosis) then you will most likely be referred to your local health authorities mental health department. This will normally be as an outpatient, unless your doctor feels you are at risk to yourself or others, in which case you may be admitted as an inpatient.

    Referrals to mental health in my area are fairly quick, within a matter of weeks. This will involve seeing a psychiatrist who will be able to give you a more suitable medication package and assess your condition, possibly over a period of time.

    Good luck

  3. If you have a concern about your mental health I would recommend that you go to your GP and talk about them, telling him all your symptoms, how you feel etc. He or she may feel able to diagnose you and treat you themself but if they feel that your condition is too complicated or a very serious they will refer you to a pyschiatrist.

    Its really impossible to say what could happen after with no specific information about your situation but if your gp feels you warrent an assesment under the mental health act the outcome could be you being admitted into a psychiatric hospital.  This could be of your own free will or under a section. Again, it depends on the situation and you could be admitted for an assesment or for treatment.

    Alternatively it may be decided that your condition can be managed at home with lots of support from specialist professionals, including possibly a mental health crisis resolution and home treatment team (made up of nurses,support workers and social workers).

    If you feel you or someone you know needs an assesment your first contact should be your GP or crisis team if you know the details.

    Good luck

  4. you can - but you can also walk into your local mental health clinic and ask to see some one and go from there

  5. yes you can , he will ask you some ??? to see why are you looking for mental help, then he will refer you to a Dr, if he thins you do not need it but you know you do check your local Mental health Department,  good luck, if you have any more ?? fell Free to e-mail me.

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