
Can you kayak? Any tips for a novice?

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Can you kayak? Any tips for a novice?




  1. my kayaking adventures are just so exciting and I can paddle for hours and do not feel tired and I am not at all fit plus in my retirement years as well as being female and not having much strength in the arms. There are courses on teaching you how to paddle and areas in which to go but after spending on my boat (hired one first) and equipment my finances are a bit stretched so just improvise. Best to start with the current and the wind going in the right direction as this gives you a lot of encouragement on ability but do be careful as the weather can get a bit much occassionally. Last time the wind was so strong I had to tie up to my brother's boat to paddle the short cut back to the car. Scary but a lot of fun. The mangroves are nice quiet waters to practice in and give a lot of protection from the wind and the sun. Also very peaceful great bird life and the occassional dolphin to check you out but they don't come too close as you probably are not fast enough. Hired kayaks in cairns and paddled around double bay island good trip and only a few hours of your time. So good luck and always wear a safety jacket in case you go over. They are very stable but it is always a good idea to be prepared. As we are travelling along the coast (last trip 6 hours) we also carry flares, torch and an old prepaid mobile in case we need to call for backup. We also have a water resistant camera for recording the trips. We keep the emergency items in the internals of our boats and find new items that we need as our trips get longer. Eventually I would like a yacht but could not take it any where near the places I can kayak.

  2. Yes love it!

    Stay away from flowing water! Don't use a splash apron until you can perform the capsize routine faultlessly! Go splash them duck!

  3. I wouldn't be able to kayak if my life depended on it. I don't like water and I would be scared to kayak. Good luck with learning!

  4. The most common error I see with novice kayakers is with their paddling technique.  As you apply force to the paddle, the main force of the forward stroke comes from pressing mostly forwards & downwards (a little) with the higher hand, with the lower hand mostly guiding the paddle blade.  Many novice kayakers try to actively pull the paddle with the lower hand, which is both inefficient and tiring.  

    The best thing you can do is take an introductory lesson from a shop specializing in Kayaks & Canoes.  Or try and get an experienced kayaker to 'show you the ropes'.  If you are going to do moving water boating, especially white-water, then the lesson part is probably not really an option.  Get proper training before attempting any significant moving water or any long distance paddling.  

    Make sure you have a proper life-vest (not a ski vest or one of those orange things) and make sure it fits you well.  Wear a hat and use sunscreen.  A whistle attached to the life-vest is a good idea for emergency signalling.  Wear layered clothing appropriate to weather conditions.  

    Good luck, kayaking is great fun.

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