
Can you keep a fish in a vase?

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My aunt use to keep a betta in one but that one was small I'm talking about one that can fit 3-4 gallons of water and can i put something smaller like tetras? I can put a heater, treat the water, get a small internal filter or something. Why not?




  1. If the vase is clean and you don't put flowers in it or something like that, there shouldn't be a problem. Why not try something new? Stand out!

  2. eh kind of cause you know the top with that big wire thing that bows air in or something plus sometimes fish don't want to swim up so that's a tight space and you know they have those wires and stuff on fish tanks

  3. That might be find if the width is large enough for the tetras to swim in, also it will probably be best if the vase is transparent so light can shine through and it wouldn't be so dark.  

  4. If you can keep it clean and the correct temperature it should be fine, but just be sure you only put 5 or less fish in there or you will over crowd it!!

  5. If you plan on putting a heater and filter in there then yes you can have either a betta or a small school of small tetras such as neons. I would go for 5-6 of them. Another choice could be 2 platys but they will get dirtier than the tetras because they are livebearers and have a larger bioload. Guppies could work but they breed like mad. An African Dwarf Frog would also be comfortable in that size tank with a heater and filter. 3-4 gallons isn't big though so make sure not to put too many fish in there but you do have some options you could look at with this size. As long as you put the filter in heater in there. By the way that is a good filter that is what I use.

    Edit: When I looked at the link again you will more than likely need a filter rated for 5 gallons if you go with the guppies or platys

  6. the biggest problem with bowls and vase's is that people don't look at them like a regular tank not just the fact they don't filter them most of the time and don't use a filter they totley miss the cycle process

    a bowl and a vase are no differen't than a regular tank I know here comes the thumbes down

    I am not fond of bowls or the vase idea but if you want to to work well and be healthy for your fish do a fishless cycle with it before you ever add a fish the vase just like a regular tank needs the good bacteria in the gravel and filter if you have one the bacteria will make it a healthyier place for any fish just like it does for a regular tank and by cycling the vase first it will cut down and elimanate the weekly tear it down wash everything stress that people put the bowls thrugh

    the biggest problem with bowls and such is people do not treat them like a full size tank and they should  

  7. a betta would be about it, even so i would add a heater to the tank..

    i had a 5 gallon vase with a betta going for a while, it had a heater and filter in it, but it ruined the aesthetics of the vase so much that i tore it down and just put the betta in a 5 gallon tank.. it looks much better now

  8. I would go down and buy a small tank at your local pet store.  They sell them really small and inexpensive.  I wouldn't go with a vase, even with something like the small, small neon tetras.

  9. ...that is an awesome idea

    ...the little filter seems perfect, it is 2 x 3 inches and will fit nicely

    ...if the tube that draws the water into the filter is short, add some hose to it, just so it can reach close to the bottom 2 inches of the vase

    ... that's where the water should come from to go into the filter

    ...the bottom area, where the nitogen gas and ammonia sink to, is where water should be filtered from

    ...since the vase is ~ 1-foot tall the tube may need some extra length, just check what comes in the box...and see how deep it reaches

    ....also, add some java moss to the vase, it floats on top, or on bottom, either way....but the Tetras have less stress with some java moss sure to cycle the filter for a week or two and let the bacteria grow so they can eat ammonia before adding neon tetras

    ...Neons cannot tolerate the ammonia shifting of a new tank and will die, soo here is what to do:

    1).....after 1 week, add 1 zebra danio, the danio can handle the tank cycle well, and will help create ammonia for the bacterias to eat can use either danios or white cloud minnows, both handle ammonia shifts and only grow to 1.5" max

    2)...then (in about 2 wekks) when the bacteria have grown alot, they create a cloud in the water, but soon (24-48 hours) then the cloud goes away as the colony of bacteria eats up most of the ammonia that's there

    3).....then you can add the neon tetras (take a water sample with you to the pet store and ask for a new water test) once ammonia is back down below ~0.7 ppm ...the pet store guy will test the water and let you know

  10. i have tetras in a regualar fish tank. they like the u don't have to have a filter or anything just a place for water so yea you could keep tetras in there.  

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