
Can you keep a pet squirrel or a flying squirrel is it legal?

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Can you keep a pet squirrel or a flying squirrel is it legal?




  1. It depends on where you live, in most states (in the US) they won't give licenses for wild animals. Write where you live, then I will answer.

  2. It depends where you live; in some areas you need a license for exotic animals

    "...the laws vary in different states, provinces, and countries. may be illegal to keep them as pets, or a permit may be required."

    If legal in your area, get them from a reputable pet store and make sure they get vacinated against rabies and other viruses

    At first sight you can't know if a wild squirrel has rabies or not (rabies is almost 100% lethal once the simptoms show up); also they migh have parasites dangerous to humans; so avoid trying to capture any wild animal.

  3. in most places it is not legal. I know it isnt here, unless you have a special license.

  4. I live in Sarasota, FL, and by my state laws and regulations and local (county and city) ordinances and regulations, it IS LEGAL for me to have my eastern gray squirrel.

    I had a state social worker at my house because my son left a scary, threatening note in the bathroom at school, and the social worker was trying to be as much of a b**ch as possible. She saw my squirrel and said, "It is illegal to have that," to which I replied, "I think you need to know more about your state and local regulations regarding wildlife before you make statements like that." She looked into it, and indeed, she found out that it was completely legal for me to have my squirrel without any permits or stipulations on her possession beyond the usual regulations regarding proper pet/farm animal care (food, water, housing). Though, there are tighter regulations about continued possession and caging for those who are licensed to rehab animals, which I found interesting.

    The only thing that I am not allowed to do is to release her onto the public, being that I am not a licensed rehabber. I would have to turn her over to a licensed individual, if I ever wanted to release her. It would be illegal, also, to release a non-native species, like a sugar glider.

    So, you need to look into your individual state's wildlife and exotic pet laws, and then, it is a good idea to check those of your county and city, if you are within city limits.

    Some states, counties and/or cities get very specific about caging requirements, licenses to possess and vet care on wildlife and exotic animals.

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