
Can you keep a wild babby rabit (found in our yard) captive?

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We found a wild bunny in our yard will it live?




  1. If you've touched the rabbit, you've made a possibally fatal mistake.

    It could've carried many, many diseases such as rabbies.

  2. Please do not attempt to care for this bunny on your own.  Wild rabbits are nothing like domestic rabbits.  Even the babies die very easily from stress and handling.  The best thing for you to do is to put it in a covered box in a dark, quiet location until you can contact a wildlife rehabilitator in your area.  Wild rabbits are born with sterile guts and require a very special diet, so please do not give it anything to eat or drink as the wrong thing will do it more harm than good.  If you would like to have a rabbit as a pet, domestics are the only way to go.

  3. yes, but u must care 4 it

  4. Yes, so long as you feed it, give it water, hay, and rabbit cereal.  (Don't know the official name, but it is pellets that give them extra vitamins that they need to live.)  Keep a large cage, be sure to socialize with it, and keep it indoors during the winter.

  5. get it checked at the vet for diseases first and get their advice

  6. If it is not weaned yet, what makes you think the mother isn't taking care of it?  But if you are sure it's an orphan, you can buy milk formula for it at the pet store.  Or you could call a wildlife rehabilitation organization, which is actually more legal.  You could get the number from a vet.

    If it is eating solid food, and able to hop and run, it would be better to release it.  These rabbits are wild by temperament, and as it matures it will act that way.  It will not be happy in captivity and may even break its back trying to escape.

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