
Can you keep bats as pets?

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Can you keep bats as pets?




  1. I think it would be neat to have one of the big ones.  The little ones around here are only as big as a mouse.

  2. Only if you want rabies

  3. You can't keep them as pets as such but you can let them stay in your attic if they set up digs there!  You can also buy bat sheds but there's no guarantee that they'll use it.

  4. i dont think you can as they are protected

  5. no, they are a protected species and moving them or in anyway disturbing them is against the law and you will go to prison for it.

    just a side note, anyone find it ironic that you can smash someone head in and get away with a fine yet you move a bat and u get locked up? what a weird world.

  6. only if you want your blood sucked dry!!! i seriously wouldnt recommend it dude. and would be sleeping all day anyway.  

  7. No.

  8. I most certainly wouldn't recommend it.

    They have bat houses you can put in your yard though.

  9. No. Many are protected species and need very specialist care before being released into the wild.

    If you're interested in bats find a local wildlife rescue group, offer to volunteer and you could gradually build up experience and maybe even start rehabing injured or orphaned bats before release into the wild.

  10. No not really  

  11. No, if yr in the UK thr a protected species

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