
Can you keep cosmetics/hair products around even after their shelf life expires?

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I mean some products have a very short shelf life. 6 months. Others have 24 months. But generally speaking, can you keep some products for lets say even several years?

I think it's so stupid to have to buy all these things only to have to completely throw them away a few years later.




  1. it's ok as long as they dont smell funky or have started to breakdown :)

  2. I say if it's anything that doesn't go on your eyes, mouth or facial skin it should be okay.

  3. They say you should , but from experience , I still use makeup after it expires , it does it's job and nothing bad happens , same with hairspray and what not. Even mascara , they say you should buy new all the time , the only thing that can happen is it gets clumpy , but add a drop of water and your ok. They just do that to make money because cosmetics and hair products can get pricey.

  4. The biggest reason for cosmetic products to have a shelf life is that every time you use them you put bacteria from your eyes, mouth, skin, etc. in the product.  If you use the products regularly, you should pay attention to the shelf lives, for sure.  If you only apply your make-up occasionally, then each product should last for several years.  It's all a matter of how worried about bacteria you are.

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