
Can you keep ducklings / ducks as pets in England, uk?

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Do they have to have access to a garden?




  1. yes, they are outdoor animals and they need to have lots of outdoor space including water

  2. yes you can but a garden would be ideal. They do make great pets however the poo all the time so not very cuddly!

  3. yes, you can keep them as pets. they need a garden and shelter. they make a h**l of a mess, coz they s*** everywhere!

  4. Yes you can but you have to clip their flight wings. They need a hut to be shut in at night else foxy loxy will eat them and they need a garden or some land to run about in. Also they should have some water as they use this to clean their feathers and enjoy swimming too. They will eat slugs but they are very very messy and smelly so really you might be better off having chickens. I think you will find both need some corn to supplement their diet.

    Good luck!

  5. yes ducks can be kept as pets.

  6. You can keep ducks as pets, but never inside - its just cruel.  Ducks will never be happy without a lovely big pond to splash about in and a little home to go to at night.  Please don't get a pet you can't look after!

  7. Yes you can. But you cannot keep them locked up as that would be terribly cruel. And if they are not locked up there is always the possibility that they will fly off. You must remember that they are migratory birds

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