
Can you keep goats and pigs in the same lot?

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If so, what is the best kind of fence to use. I don't want to use electric fence. The lot is large enough, but will they get along?




  1. yes think so

  2. yes they will be fine. Use chicken wire. and 3 board fencing :)

  3. No this is not a good idea.  Goats and pigs should not even share a fence line.  I know someone who had goats and pigs sharing a fence line, and one of the goats put her head through the fence and the pigs attacked her and chewed her ears off.  I have also heard stories of pigs getting out and killing goats.  They need to have separate pens, and the fencing needs to be good enough to ensure that they never co-mingle.  For goats, I would recommend woven wire fence that is intended for goats (it's usually just called sheep & goat fence at the farm store).  It is expensive but it will keep them in, and the squares are small enough that they can't get their heads through.  If you have young goat kids you may have to run chicken wire across the bottom of the fence so that the babies can't get their heads through.  Stake the fence to the ground in spots so that there is no way they can squeeze under (goats are very good at that), and use it to cover any big gaps between the rungs of gates, etc.  If there is any weak spot, the goats will find it.  If your goats tend to jump, you can run a hot wire around the top to discourage jumping.  Good fencing will not only keep your goats in, it will also keep predators out.

  4. yes both will eat anything, they make good mates

  5. Personally, I would not keep goats and pigs together. Pigs will kill lambs, and I assume they will kill kids as well.

    Where I grew up, we raised sheep and cattle, and also had wild pigs on the property. The pigs used to kill a lot of lambs.

    As far as fencing for pigs, you'll need something that they can't get their noses under and push up. They make big gaps under wire fences, so you'll need something that either extends under the ground or is rigid and right at ground level. Normal wire is okay for the main part of the fence, as long as you can make the bottom so that they can't lift it.

    For goats, you're going to need good fences too. Goats are renowned for escaping through many types of fences and getting caught in others by their horns. It would be a good idea to do a bit more research on the whole fencing situation before you start. I'd suggest googling it, and you should be able to get a lot of ideas.

    Good luck.

  6. yes, but make sure the pigs cant get to the goat food...

  7. I think it depends on the kind of pigs & the kind of goats ur tryin 2 put 2gether. "Goats and Pot Belly Pigs's can get along. Some people that have Pygmy goats said that when fully grown they did get nasty with the pig(s). Seems the Pygmy goats like to head butt and I have heard of several cases with serious results. As with any animal they do have their own personalities and it will depend on the individual animals as to if they will get along or not." As far as the fence goes I have nooo idea.

  8. Yes you can

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