
Can you keep two male ferrets together?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter has just got 2 ferrets at the moment they are in seperate cages, one is neutered the other is to young as yet( about 14 weeks old). infact any info about ferret keeping would be appreciated. my daughter is 17 years old so i'm not expecting a child to care for them. but i need to make sure she knows what she's doing so please advise.




  1. Have a look at this site it'll give you tips on introducing new ferrets to each other.

  2. Where did you get the baby?  Almost all ferrets are neutered before they leave the breeder.

    That said, ferrets are solitary animals but as pets they retain the social behavior that they have with their littermates.  So generally, they get along and love company, but an adult that has been alone for several years may be aggressive toward any newcomers.  Neutered males should get along fine.  The intact male (if he is really intact), could be iffy.  However, "everybody loves a baby," is often true for animals, too.  Most ferrets will get along with a baby ferret, no matter what s*x it is, so the problems would likely start later.

    As always, introduce them in a neutral area and do it carefully (through a cage first, look for playful behavior like jumping and "dooking" or aggressive behavior like growling, hissing, and trying to bite through the wire).  While they are in separate cages, it can help to swap bedding every few days to get them used to eachother's scent.

  3. only if they've been together since babies. if they are put in as adults they will fight.

  4. I think it will be allright hopefully...goodluck!

  5. you can, but because one is neutered and the other isnt they may end up fighting over food and territory

  6. the same as humans. you can put them together thats fine.

    But it depends on the ferrets, the older one might want to dominate the younger one. and they could bite or "play rough", sometimes its hard to tell. I would try putting them together and watching them carefully for a long time and watch how they are when the other one is in the same cage. if youre too worried about the cage (cause the ferets cage is HIS place) try to put them together in the same room and watch them. if you see that they are fine. try putting them in the same cage and continue watching them for a few more weeks. if you see theyre fine. then let them. if not, then talk to a vet or ferret trainer and see whatelse you can do instead of selling one.

    Good luck! :)

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