
Can you keep your hands out of the cookie jar?

by  |  earlier

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  1. lol

    answer mine:;...

  2. Nope

    And I'll say I didn't do it with my face covered in chocolate :P

  3. that song is

    i <3 gym class heroes(:

  4. Aaahh!

    I was just listening to that song.

    Now I'm listening to The Academy Is...

    but it's such a good song.

    And no... I can't.


    Hahah, just kidding.

  5. yep..

    if it's empty..

  6. If they'll make me gain weight then yes.

  7. if its a sugar cookie then no

  8. Is the "cookie jar" a euphemism our are you referring to the real thing?

  9. No I can`t,,didn`t like the song though

  10. say please. (:

  11. well look at kat on big brother ...she deffinately cant

  12. lool i hate that song

  13. depends on the kinda cookie inside.  

  14. Nope lol

    I'm the cookie monsters wife.


  15. Of course not!


    What kind of cookies? I need more vodka. Yes.

  16. considering we don't own a cookie jar, yes I can

  17. Not that hard. You just pour the cookies onto the table. There's no reason to reach in at all.

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