
Can you kill fleas on bedding by putting them in the dryer? i don't know what else to do.have spent lots money

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Can you kill fleas on bedding by putting them in the dryer? i don't know what else to do.have spent lots money




  1. put them in the freezer, they only die in the winter.

  2. Wash your bedding in hot water, laundry detergent and and put a teaspoon of bleach in. Fill the washing machine before putting the sheets in so even if they are colored sheets the bleach won't discolor as a you are only putting in enough to kill bugs but not enough to fade. Wash for about 5 minutes and then drain the water.  Put a cup of vinegar in the rinse. That will rinse everything out and also kill anything left. Dry in a hot dryer. That should be the end of them.

  3. Spray the bedding with insecticide then wash and dry?

    You can use a number of herbs for chasing out the brutes. Oils of lavender misted over the bed should be lovely to sleep on as well as chasing out unwanted guests. Rub a little oil of lavender on the dog that brought the fleas in too.

  4. get a can of raid bomb the room or wash in hot water and talcum powder kills them but you have to leave the powder all over for 48 hrs  

  5. Things You’ll Need:


    Borax laundry powder

    Tea light candles

    Shallow pie pan


    Vacuum cleaner


    Sprinkle salt on carpets and around pet beds. Leave in place for 24 hours and then vacuum. Salt dehydrates the fleas causing them to die.


    Coat bare floors and upholstery with borax laundry powder. Borax works in much the same way as salt by dehydrating the fleas, but if they find a water source, it does double duty by expanding within the flea causing instant death.


    Place a tea light candle in the center of a shallow pie pan or baking dish. Fill the pan with water. Set the entire pan in a corner of a darkened room and light the candle. Fleas will be attracted to the light and drown in the water.


    Vacuum daily for 4 weeks. This will eliminate the adult fleas and their eggs. Empty the canister or bag outdoors after each use as the eggs can still hatch and re-infect your home.


    Tips :

    Use citronella based sprays on dogs and cats to repel fleas and keep the animals from bringing the pests indoors.

    Use cedar shavings in outdoor animal beds. Cedar is a natural repellent for both fleas and ticks.

    The salt and borax can be used together for effective flea control. Sprinkle at the first sign of fleas, before they have a chance to lay eggs.

  6. yeah im pretty sure you can, i have done it and it worked, so i bet it will for you good luck!!

  7. uh hers a thought throw it away!

  8. With bedding you have to wash in  Hot water.Whites in Hot water with bleach.You need to give your cat or Dog a bath in flea shampoo and then Bomb the house .You have to leave the house for a few hrs while you do this and then come home and open the windows to air it out.They have raid bombs you can buy at wal-mart.

  9. Best thing to do with your bedding and other places you have fleas is to use the 9 day get-rid-of-fleas plan.

    use bug bombs in all rooms where you have fleas and cover any foods or plastics first.

    Get enough bombs so you can do each room 3 times.  Do the whole area and let set for 2 hours and then air out the room and then three days later; not two and a half; and not three and a half but three days later bomb it all again; and air out after two hours.

    Repeat a third time three days later and you will have wiped out all the fleas you have.

    Now wash and dry the bedding that has been exposed to the bombs.

    No more fleas if you get some Frontline and put it on all animals in your house.

    Nine days is the cycle of egg to larvae to flea that has to be killed.

  10. Once we had fleas and got products rec. by our vet. <<<That did the trick.

    Take your bedding and wash it in hot water and then tumble dry.

    With MUST treat the entire environment with effective products.  

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