
Can you kill someone if you drop a coin off the eiffel tower?

by  |  earlier

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there's a agruement in my school, about a coin and the eiffel tower, most of them say "yes" but one person said "no", as I'm bored of this agruement, i just want the answer, to end it.




  1. It denpends if its stuck to the bottom of a brick or something. It wouldn't kill them and it would have to be a cracking shot and not be face down but hit them with the edge of it

  2. It's not true, in most cases. The coin would fall quite fast, true but it would reach a top speed (called terminal velocity) and getting hit wouldn't hurt any more than if someone had thrown it really hard.

  3. No, it will not kill somebody. It is only small, will reach terminal velocity but will not have enough energy to kill.

  4. Yes, but it really would have to be a very good shot.

  5. Some Frenchman would probably put his hands up to surrender.

  6. yes

  7. In one episode of "MythBusters" they tried it, but concluded that it would be impossible unless there was no wind (and around something as high as the eiffel tower, there is almost always going to be wind).

    With wind, the coin spins around sideways; giving it more surface area, and therefore more drag (which keeps it from reaching killing speed).

  8. Yes if it's in their pocket

  9. If it hits them in the right place then yes.

  10. It does not have enough mass to kill someone at the speed it would be traveling when it would hit the person. They did something similar in a Mythbusters episode but from the Empire State Building.

  11. Have you ever heard about dropping something from a distance, that the speed increases?  Well, it's the same from the Eiffel Tower... Even a pea could kill someone if it hits them in the 'right' place, but as of yet, it's not very common...  But yeah, it is true, and anyone who says otherwise really doesn't have a clue!!

    Hope the arguement ends soon!! hehe!!

  12. In theory an object will accelerate to a great speed, however, in reality there are other factors that reduce this effect (i.e. shape, cross winds, aerodynamic resistance) so the chances are negligible.

  13. i dont  think it will kill any one but give them a bit of a headache that if it hits anyone the wind might blow it in a different directs

  14. If they were looking up with their mouth open they could choke on it - so yes it must be possible - but it'd take one h**l of a shot.  I've still never managed it.

  15. Yep, its the same off Blackpool tower.

  16. No! They tested it out on Mythbusters a few weeks ago.

  17. no it wont the coin will reach a thing called terminal velocity it reaches that off of a 10 storie building if you think a coin can kill you being dropd off a 10 storie building then ya it could but not it cant.

  18. No

    You would only kill yourself if you're still attached to the coin.

  19. Only if it hits them  !!

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