
Can you learn how to play the guitar and piano at the same time?

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I have been playing the violin for 5 years (going into 6th year now) and i was thinking about learning the piano and guitar. i mean, i already can read music (of course i have to learn more and stuff for the instruments) but can you learn both at the same time? (with someone to teach me lessons)

thanks <3




  1. I say yes.

    Im 13 and I take lessons for both. But I think you should start one and then after a month or two start the other.

    I started with piano and I think its easier than the learnig how to play the guitar...

  2. Go ahead! Not to brag, but I&#039;m learning four right now. It&#039;s good to get a little break from one instrument.

  3. of course anything is possible... but if u only learn one at a time more emphasis would be placed on the single instrument.

    good luck

  4. Well, why couldn&#039;t you learn both?...

  5. I suppose you could learn as many instruments at once as you want to.  It&#039;s probably mainly a question of how much time you have available to practice.  

    If you&#039;re wanting to learn both, though, I&#039;d highly recommend taking a year of piano before starting guitar.  That way you&#039;ll actually understand what a chord is and how they fit together before trying to apply that to a guitar.

  6. yes, playing the piano could actually make it easier to play other instruments, many musicians start out on the piano

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