
Can you learn how to serve a vollyball with a flat vollyball?

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I heard that it is harder to serve a vollyball that is flat. Is this true... because what I was thinking if I served a flat vollyball good then when I am in a game I will be even better...




  1. It is true that you have to swing harder, but if you learn with a flat ball using a non-flat ball will be strange to you. Two things could happen:

    1. You're so used to hitting a flat ball that when you go to hit the pumped ball you can't get it over the net because it's "too hard"

    2. You have a great swing but you hit the ball too hard and send it flying out of bounds.

  2. well it would make you try to swing harder to get over the net.  so when you actually serve with a correctly pumped ball, it would go farther.

    but don't go too hard!!!

    but i suggest you still practice with a properly inflated volleyball.  a flat one doesn't move the same way a inflated one does.

  3. Why practice with a flat volleyball?  You can improve your service by practicing with an inflated one.  Good volleyball service is a skill earned through practice.  As the saying goes "practice makes perfect."

  4. It depends on what you are working on.  If you are just working on your footwork, but I wouldn't suggest hitting the ball too hard.  How flat is the ball? Because it is really flat then you are not going to get much bounce response from you hitting it.

    If you are working on the flight of your serve or accurancy, I would advise against this.  There is lot of physics involved with a round inflated ball.  Either it be a topspin service or a floater, the roundness of hte ball is important.  You also have to factor in the balance of the ball which is very import for the floater.  Consider where the air nosel is on the ball because of it's affect on the balance of the ball.  I use the position of the nosel make my floater move left-right or drop.

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