
Can you learn how to sing?

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is singing well something that can be learned or only for people who can do it naturally




  1. yeah you can learn all drifferent types of music for all different types of voices

  2. From my experience with myself as well as other amateur musicians, I would have to say that singing well involves both natural talent and an incredible amount of perseverance.  

    First of all, one must have an 'ear for music' to distinguish between the notes in a song, otherwise they will not be able to accurately reproduce them upon vocalization.  

    Next, one must have the proper technique.  This includes the process of inhalation (typically through the nose and not the mouth), expansion of the diaphragm, controlling the allocation of air to the lungs, and then releasing (typically from the chest) towards the vocal chords.  (It's much more complex and rhythmic then I can describe here, but you'll occasionally hear singers refer to the kind of 'voice' they use when singing a particular song or part of a song.  This usually refers to the way in which they sing... e.g. Head voice, chest voice... etc... and influences the range of notes they can hit.)

    As one learns to consistently hit different notes in different octaves through the vibration of their vocal chords, singing can become second nature.  If you or someone you know is serious about singing I would highly recommend singing lessons.  Those who have had a vocal instructor, such as myself, can tell you that the voice is an instrument you have to master just like any other.  It takes a lot of perseverance, but it is well worth it once you can do it well.  

    For the record, I do come from a family lineage of musicians, so my opinion in regards to singing being natural or an acquired talent may be biased, although I am convinced that it was my environment and determination more so then any natural gifts that have allowed me to become a decent singer.

  3. Everyone is born with the capacity to express themselves in song (unless the vocal folds are dysfunctional as a birth defect).  Otherwise, we all have the capacity to sing.  

    Then if one chooses to get training to learn to use the voice properly, learning how to use it without damaging the vocal folds and then learning to breathe properly,  it can certainly improve a singing voice.

    There are some people who have been born with advantages, jaw structure, resonance due to skull shape, genetics determining the size of vocal folds that contribute to the vocal range, but in all we all have the capacity to sing.  

    No matter the subject, if given the tools and experience under a good teachers guidance one can learn to do anything better.  

  4. i was always told that anyone can sing, i don't know if it is true from what i have heard from some people but I'm sure if you have the right teacher, someone could learn how to sing.

  5. well there has 2 be some natural talent and lessons only teach u how 2 maby keep on key better but ya its mostly natural

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