
Can you learn martial arts at the age of 18?

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with little to no experience?




  1. any age my friend

  2. 18 is like the perfect age because your mind is maturing and you will take Martial Arts very serious (since I never met you or know you, I could be wrong, lol). I'd say 18 or around it is a perfect age and if your healthy, a big plus. Comparing to the individuals who started Karate Training when they were like 8 or less....the grand majority don't know how serious the martial arts is and tend to play around. This is one of the reasons why I hate those fake Martial Arts schools that train little kids with Karate games and play shouting, it just pisses me the f**k off. But I have seen quite a few exceptional kids who know that they are not playing around, it was very rare that I've met one who was a tad mad at his height and weight because he knew he couldn't hurt an adult opponent (which he wanted to do in a competition) unless he aimed at the crotch.

    Flexibility shouldn't be something to worry about, you eventually get there through training. My advice to you is run before you do ANY stretches. The reason why is that once you jog or run, your warming up your leg muscles and you feel quite less resistance of stretching into a split with warmed up muscles rather than cold muscles. Its all practice, keep doing them everyday, I heard it was possible for this kid I knew to achieve the split a little less than 2 months. He was pretty hardcore, he did his homework, watched TV, read his books while doing the split everyday and whenever he could. I started Martial Arts at this serious school for like a year now, altho I did have some experience way before which can total 5 months not including the year I've been training at this place currently. I'm very close to doing the split, my *** is just 10 inches from the ground. I'm 19 btw, I started when I was 18 too

  3. You can learn at any age and you can makes gains in flexibility at any age. Is it easier and come faster when you are younger, yes it does. 18 is a long way from old though and you shouldn't have any problems at all. I studied Shaolin chinese martial arts with a guy who had never done any martial arts and no other sports and he joined at 30, a couple of years later he was nearly doing the splits. If he can do it at 30 you can definitely do it at 18. You will have to work at it, but you have to work at anything in life that is worth having.

    Best of luck!!

  4. yes you can learn at just about any age in fact you never stop learning just think of it that way and everything on the physical side will come to you  

  5. i think its perfect.. you can learn martial arts at any age, however it still doesn't change the fact that how good you can or will be. 18 is however a good age to start, it has some drawbacks but some advantages. the only drawback i can think of is, flexibility.. it might be quite hard at first but in 1 month if you work constantly on stretching it should be ok.

    but ur 18 means also, ur a lot stronger, u can get the strategy in your head better, instead of just doing what your coach tells you "jab,cross body body low-kick etc.." u will get the logic and all better.. i also realized, being a good martial artists is not all about the technique, its about having the heart.. if you have the heart u can always be succesful ! start as soon as possible. good luck and don't forget to have fun ok? its all about having fun. however fightings should only take place in the ring... =)  what martial arts would you like to do? i would suggest kickboxing, since its a combination of both taekwondo & boxing =)

  6. Hi, I´m 16 years old and I wanna start learning martial arts like you. I don´t think I´m very flexible but I´ve been training for 2 days and I´m improving. Yes for 2 days :p.

    I think flexibility isn´t only for children, it´s something you gain through your all life.

    I´d like to talk to you and discuss flexibility exercises and stuff so we can evaluate each other and see the results, it´d make things easier and more interesting.

    Say something.

  7. you can learn martial arts at any age...

  8. yes you can learn anything you want at any age just put your mind to it. The martial arts are a personal matter. Its not about if your better than the next guy, it's about are you bettering yourself.

  9. i started at age six, but i kneew someone who started at age 36.

    everyone ellse is right, cuz you should have more  maturity(hopefully:]), more strength, and more mindset than a six year old. it doesnt rlly matter about flexibility, you can learn and earn that from practice. all you need is focus and dedication.

    hope it helps

  10. I started training in the martial arts when I was 18- I'm now a 2nd degree black belt and I'm in my 30's.  I say go for it!

  11. No problem - 18 is still young for learning martial arts. Plus you'll have benefits of strength, maturity, and focus that most kids don't have.  

    If you put your mind to it and train, you can have a black belt in a couple of years - if that's your goal.

    I promise you an 18 yr old fighter with 6 months of good training, no rank but lots of discipline and heart is a much more effective fighter than any 13 year old black belt on the planet.

    Just go train. Don't look at reasons NOT to train like flexibility or lack of experience.  Flexibility will come quickly - but depending on your art, you may not need it (how flexible do you think Mike Tyson was in 1995?  Not at all, but he was a bad dude...)

  12. I started at 32. You don't even know the meaning of the word inflexible.

  13. Yes you can learn at any age.

    Japanese Jiu-jitsu is in my mind mainly for adults unless you attend a fully qualified coach for children as they have a separate syllabus.

    Best wishes :)***

  14. u can learn martial arts at any age

    i take tang soo do and there's kids who can barely talk to adults who are old enough to have grandchildren training

    so u can start at any age :)

  15. Yes,you can learn martial arts the age of 18. I've seen many people asking this type of questions. You can do martial art at any age.There is no limit in martial arts. Do the martial art that you like and enjoy.

  16. Yes.  A lot of people I know started aged 18 when they joined university clubs.  It's a lot easier if you're in a class of other novices, and in a similar situation in life (i.e. new students).

  17. No you cannot sorry. You already have to have expierience to join a class. Wait, how do you get the expierience, if you can't join a class.

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