
Can you learn to be outgoing?

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I've always been shy and quiet. I always wish I was more outgoing. Can you change that way? I mean with people I know I can be very loud and talkative, but that's only my close friends and family. I wish I could learn to be more comfortable around everyone.




  1. I need to know aswell. I'm sticking around for answers...

  2. totally! i used to be really shy and quiet(and a total daydreamer) but now I'm really talkative and actually kind of loud and really comfortable around everyone. (or i can appear to be if I'm not but that's acting skills really...) but all it took was just trying to forget about all the embarrassing things that COULD happen but it helps if you start acting that way with like a really good friend that you know wont think your like psychotic if you make a fool of yourself...

  3. I would have to say yes and no. I am also shy and never really step out of my comfort zone. so you may have guessed I am still kinda shy. But I have observed other, like my husband, who just step out all the time not really worrying what others think of him.

    I think, in time, you could get used to being more out going but you first must step outside of your comfort zone. But not just once. Once you step out you have to keep practicing, eventually it will be apart of you.

  4. i've struggled with the same issue in the past.  i think a lot of it has to do with your makeup, ya know?  but honestly, i don't see anything wrong with someone who is a little more quiet and reserved...more mystery...haha.  BUT, having said that, i know where you're coming from.  i think you sort of have to discipline yourself to get out of your comfort zone and force yourself to go to different events and things, and just try not to think about yourself.  focus on everyone else and just take a genuine interest in them.  there's always room for change.  you could do it if you wanted to, but it's not an easy switch, ya know?  i hope you will have success in this...and if not, i hope you'll be content with your quiet nature.  from one introvert to another.  

  5. I had always been shy until about two years ago, then I done something that erased that image forever.  I got a job in the hotel business at the front desk.  That brought me out of my shell quicker than anything.  If you're able to work, I would try getting a job where you have to deal with the public a lot.  That will help you get over being shy in a hurry.  It's like you're getting paid to be more outgoing.

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