
Can you lease and rent a house at the same time?

by  |  earlier

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So we believe that our accountant is creating "imaginary" numbers and expenses that are suspicious to our family. Basically there was a line stating a rental amount for our small business building. There is also a leasing amount listed further down. Is there a difference? Or is it synonymous? We asked her about it, and she was a little tongue tied and seemed fidgety when asked about this. PLEASE HELP!




  1. You are responsible for your Income tax lodgements, you will be found guilty and punished severly, you will lose your business, your partner will leave you and you will be out on the street, all because you allowed your accountant to cheat on your tax form!

  2. I was always under the assumption that the two terms meant the same thing.

  3. You could theoretically divide a business into lease and rental.  The fact that she was tongue-tied is not good.

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