
Can you lie with a question?

by  |  earlier

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me and my friend argued tat you cant lie with a question. Is that true? if so can i get an example/




  1. It wouldn't be lying so much as omitting the facts or digressing from the topic.  

    If your friend asks you something and you don't want to answer it, you can ask a question to mislead the thoughts of your friend, or just outright be sarcastic, with a subtle tone so your friend does not know the answer.

  2. huh?

  3. the day that my wife and i got engaged i knew she was suspecting so i asked her if she wanted a  purity ring to wear while i was away in the army...she assumed then, that i would not propose to her because i wanted to get a her a purity ring....well that night she was totally was a lie in a question.

  4. did u walk to work or pack ur lunch?

  5. eg. are you coming out with me tonight?

    truth: you are not actually going out so it's a lie!!  

  6. u can't lie with a question.

    i don't think.......

  7. You can't really lie with a question, but with a question you can imply a lie.

    Let's say u ask your middle school math teacher "Was the answer to No.10 on yesterday's quiz, 15? but u already know the answer because u saw ur teacher's answer sheet.

  8. You can lie with a question if you assume a premise within the question that is not true.


    So how long have you been g*y? (if the person is straight)

    Why did you lie to me? (if no lie was told the premise of the question is a lie)

  9. no i am pretty sure you cant lie with a question.

  10. this is depends on person's nature..........

  11. Sure.e.g.Dont I look the best

  12. Of course you can lie with a question.  It is a truism that humans can lie no matter what context.  It is only animals that have trouble lying.

  13. i dont get the question lol

  14. Did you know the world is flat?

    or is that a statement

    this is really an interesting question

  15. "are not all things true, until they strike the wrong ear?"

    -Mang Gong

  16. Example........

    In what year did America Land on The moon?

    ( They never did land on the moon it was a big Hoax )

  17. You can't lie with a question because you're requesting an answer if you ask the question. You need to make a statement.

  18. maybe....

  19. Did you know that you can lie with a question, and that this is not a statement nor question?

  20. lieing is bad dnt lie it breaks up relation ships.

    Trust me.

  21. Sure you can.  I once had a boyfriend who I knew had cheated on me.  We argued about it and at some point later on in time I cheated on him to 'get even,"  Later on still he asked me if I hadn't ever cheated on him and instead of out and out lying and saying that I never had I said to him "You know me.  Do you actually THINK I would ever cheat on you?"  His answer, "No, of course not."  So I lied with my question!!!

  22. i think like i have a big house when you don't

  23. You can indeed lie with a question; attorneys do this all

    the time. I.E. If someone asks you a misleading question

    then instructs you to answer only with a yes or a no;

    the question becomes a deception (lie) because the person

    doing the asking already knows the truth..the only thing they

    want to do is mislead the jury or create a scenario to where

    they're making you out to be a liar when you're actually not?

    Hey, didn't I see you exiting a hotel room with some prostitute

    a few hours ago being very affectionate? This was a question

    someone asked a friend as a joke in front of his wife. Well,

    no one found it funny at all and the two winded up divorcing

    over this lie. So, yes, questions can be used to relate lies.

    And these are only a few examples.

    Can I borrow some change to get something to eat? Note: there

    were two lies in that one question. A) This person never intended to pay back this loan. And B) This person was going to go score some

    drugs or booze..not get something to eat. Like I've said; there are plenty of more examples. Con artists use questions containing many lies in order to con/hustle people. Think about it.



  24. wow i never thought about that!!! holy c**p! well dont think that you can lie with a question.  

  25. well...

    I think peanut butter grows on trees, do you?

    is a question but i don't realy think peanut butter grows on trees =]  

  26. Yes, it is easy to lie with a Q if by lying you mean using a Q to intentionally not answer another person's Q specifically directing attention away from the real issues that other person's Q wanted addressed.

    Also some Q's are asked not seeking an answer, but are meant as statements of belief or knowledge which are knowingly based on incorrect info.

    For example, you just lied to a friend and he asks "Did you just lie to me? and you respond: "Don't you trust me?" I would never lie to you!

    Another example: The President asks "Are there weapons of mass Destruction in Iraq?"(knowing full well that there aren't) The Q was leading up to a lie like "Sadaam has WMD's and we have proof.'" Another example: "Aren't bin Laden and Sadaam allies?"( knowing they aren't) I could give more examples, but I hope you see the point that asking Q's can be motivated by lying esp if it is a setup to delivering the lie.

    People lie all the time w/the asking Q technique above. Some lawyers,politicians and preachers are very good at it!

    To lie by asking misleading loaded Q's, does hurt the pursuit of truth. It is often a technique used to cover up the truth and divert people away from the truth. Many A's to your wonderful  Q illustrates this by providing examples of how asking Qs can be part of lying.

  27. you can lie with a question, but i can't think of one

  28. Sure you can. Lets say I cheat on my wife and I find out she also cheated on me and then I ask...

    Why would you cheat on me if I never cheated on you?

  29. Yes you can.

    ♥This is a question. Caviar is good.

    ♥I have a very exciting question! Pens can talk.


    LIE! Not a question, yet I'm saying it is!

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