
Can you list some past leaders of india?

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Can you list some past leaders of india?




  1. My pleasure here are few .

    Pandit Jawahar lal Nehru.

    Mahatama Gandhi.

    Lal bahadur Shashtri.

    Indra Gandhi.

    Rajiv Gandhi.

  2. Past Leaders:Presidents of India

    Dr Rajendra Prasad January 26, 1950-May 13, 1962

    Dr S Radhakrishnan

    May 13, 1962-May 13, 1967

    Dr Zakir Hussain

    May 13, 1967-August 24, 1969

    Shri Varahagiri Venkata Giri

    August 24, 1969-August 24, 1974

    Shri Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

    August 24, 1974-February 11, 1977

    Shri Neelam Sanjiva Reddy

    July 25, 1977-July 25, 1982

    Shri Giani Zail Singh

    July 25, 1982-July 25, 1987

    Shri R. Venkataraman

    July 25, 1987-July 25, 1992

    Dr SD Sharma

    July 25, 1992-July 25, 1997

    Shri K R Narayanan

    July 25, 1997-July 25, 2002

    APJ Abdul Kalam

    July 25, 2002-July 25, 2007

    Pratibha Patil

    July 25, 2007-Present

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