
Can you listen to my little story? ..advice..?

by  |  earlier

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me and my husband parked beside a car with an elderly lady reading a book when i got out the car she looked at me and i gave her a little smile(nice little lady)..when we got back 2 the car after an hour or so we had a note on our windscreen...she said we scatched her car and she left her name /phone no/and address...this car park has security cameras,i telephoned her and her husband/son spoke to me,i asked (well shouted)why would we leave the car and walk away without any word from the lady sitting inside the car..he said she was so shaken up that she couldnt bring herself to come out and talk to us..he said he was calling the police and insurance company(as they took our reg number) we dont have a scratch on our car and i know we didnt do there any way that these people can try and get money out of us?..or do u think they were just trying their luck?..i didnt report this matter..but maybe i should have..




  1. LOL,

    They are just trying to get money from you.

    Call their bluff.  Tell them to call the cops.

    Then make them prove that you scratched their car.

    (unless you actually did scratch it, or open your door into their car... in which case you should fess up)

    As a kid I used my finger to write "wash me" in the dirt on a friends mothers car on a wet and rainy day.  The mom freaked and called my parents. she stated that she was charging me and suing us for a paint job.

    My dad said that if I damaged the car we would fix it.

    We sent the car to a reputable body shop.  They instantly determined that the car had been keyed years ago.

    And that my little finger did not hurt the car.

    The mom still called the cops...They looked at the car and basically told her "nice try lady"

    So if you are truly Innocent, just call their bluff.

  2. u have to report it..or talk to the police when they investigate with the case. They usually check the paint and stuff and since u're so positive that it wasn't u, ask them to do it!

    good luck :]

  3. welll go and ask the managers of the camras see who it was and if you did happen to do it (but it seems from this story that you didnt) then pay her i guess say your sorry and see if you can make a deal, if it wasnt you give the movie to the husband saying im sorry that she thought it was us..or something like that just prove it wasnt you then i dont think things must be taken into court or anything just see if you can work it out reasonably GOOD LUCK =D

  4. I think MAYBE someone did scratch her car, and she thought it was you. I mean, shes old give her a break. but it DOES sound like shes just trying to get money out of you. I think your best choice is just to report it, or take it to court. She cannot get money out of you if you get the security camera tape (with permission, of course) and show her it or show judges, or police. It depends which you want to do. So there are your options right there, hope I helped and good luck!  :)

  5. You did the right thing in your comments.  I might call her one more time, and mention insurance fraud charges.  But in the mean time, call your insurance company and let them send out an investigator to look at your car and hers, and will probably find in your favor if it's as you say it is.  Also hopefully the video evidence will show the same thing.

    Once it's over with, don't stop there.  Call the police and report that she tried to intimidate you for money without cause.  Ask it be investigated.  She may have done this before, and you might save someone else.

  6. Talk to your insurance company.  It sure sounds like a bit of fraud going on here.  DO NOT communicate with them at all.  They could use anything against you.  Talk to the police.  Since this supposedly happened in a private area there should be no way for them to pry money out of you.  Beware if they try to "just settle" without going thru insurance carriers.

    That is a bang on hint that it really never happened.

  7. Make a report ... get a paper trail going.  Maybe they have a history of doing this to others?  She too should of called the police. The fact that neither of you did ... well, I'm guessing it wont go far. 'He said, she said'.  

    Stick to  what you know as the truth.  How much $$ are they looking for?  Sometimes paying them off is better than hiring an attorney.

    Do you have a friend who can do a little back-ground check to see if they have done this to others?

    Go to the store re: the security cameras ... call the police in on it.  Find out if she is scamming you.

    In the end, if all they are looking for is a couple hundred bucks, pay it & be done with them. Learn from the experience to protect yourself & to park at the back of the lot & walk to the store. Not only will that be better for your heart, it just might save on your wallet as well.

    Good luck!!!

  8. See if there is camera footage you can get?

    If it's just a scratch, just let her file a claim and let the insurance company deal with it.  If you say you didn't do it, they might not pay it.

  9. as a former  truck driver the best thing i would say is dont trust anybody when it comes to money and always get a police report some people just want to try and  get money from you but a scratch is a scratch and a hundred bucks should take care of it so if there intentions are for money there in the wrong spot

  10. a lot of people try to scam money out of you......some scummy lawyer sued us for like 4k for damages in a house we used to live in but we had a video and it showed we didn't do it but the judge and him were buds so we still had to pay.

  11. omg

    she must be a greedy lady

    u know the truth so no problem

    then they check with the cameras to find out the vitim

  12. Strange... Maybe she's just trying to get money from you...

  13. Shar, tell the "nice little lady" that the security cameras prove you did not cause any damage to her car.

    Then tell her you are going to sue her and her family for defemation of character.

    How dare they make you and your family look like criminals! Of course, only joking. But well, that would be funny.

    Only if the security cams proved you correct.

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