
Can you literally worry yourself to death?

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I've been so worried about things lately that I constantly have heartburn and I feel pains in my chest. I was wondering if you can literally worry yourself to death.




  1. Yes.  It's not the worry itself that can harm you but the side effects of chronic stress and anxiety.

    I recommend you read "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers" by Robert Sapolsky.  It's a great book on how chronic stress can cause disease and how to cope with it.

  2.    I believe it's possible. The first move should be to see and talk to someone you trust implicitly Then go  to a clergyman and perhaps a doctor.  Your asking of this question implies that you are deeply troubled and need help.

  3. Yes, you can. You can become so delarious that you can die. So you should find some free time to unwind. Beach, Water Parks, Hot Tub, Runnung, Play with Friends, Etc.

  4. No you cannot.  However you can make yourself incredibly unhappy.  Seek help from a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, or your family doctor.

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