
Can you live in the barracks and collect BAH, if your wife cant move where you are cause of legal reasons?

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I live in the barracks and get BAH because my wife cant move her with me yet because she has to go to court and get permission to move her kids out of state. Now my BC wants me to get out of the barracks. I cant afford to pay for a place and hers where she lives. So does anyone know if they can just kick me out and or does anyone the AR for this?




  1. Yes, the army can do this to you since you are a geographical bachelor.  Did you explain your situation to your chain of command?  Your best option is to go to your command and explain in detail the situation you have going on.  Showing paperwork to back you up will help out.  More than likely, if you explain in detail what is going on then you can stay.  If they still won't let you stay, then you will need to convince your wife to move out of the apartment she is in and move in with someone else (like her parents) until she finishes settling her situation with the court.  If she can do that you can go ahead and get the apartment ready for her arrival.  If she can't go anywhere else, then you will need to start looking for a cheap apartment or trailer with a short lease so you can have somewhere to stay until she is finished with the court.  Or you can talk to one of your married buddies and see if you can stay with them until your wife comes.  You will also need to start a budget to figure out how you can afford this and you will need to talk to your NCO for further information.

  2. It's his barracks and you are collecting BAH....

  3. No you have no right to live in the barracks and collect BAH at the same time.

    You do not qualify for being a geo bachelor.

    The only time you can be a geo bachelor, is when your spouse is not authorized to move with you, or if there is a reason not under your control that prevents it.

    IE: undergoing specific medical treatment, or a special needs child that is enroled in a program not available at your duty station.

    Your wifes previous divorce decree, is considered in your control,

    IE: you knew that when you married her.


    While your command can allow you to stay in the barracks if there is room.

    They do not have to let you stay.

    And in your case, they decided against letting you stay in the barracks.

    You should have worked this issue out, before you were married or right afterwards.

    You are going to have to pay for a place for her and for you, out of your BAH and base pay.

  4. You will need to use your paycheck to live on, and let her have the bah is usually what happens. She is going to have to get a job to help pay her bills-between that and bah she should get along fine. Stay firm on it so you can live in a place. All you need is a small 1 bedroom. You 2 are just going to have to pay seperately until she gets her thing resolved.  Why does she need permission to move her kids out of state? Was she married to the father of her kids? If not she can do what she wants. I moved out of state with my son when the Army put us at Ft. Wainwright Alaska. I just left-but my sons dad hasn't had contact with him since he was 3 and he's almost 10. You didn't say why they wanted to kick you out of barricks. You should be able to stay in barricks as a GEOBRAPHICAL BACHELOR. Ask about that and setting up an allotment so your wife will get the bah to help her live on. She is just going to have to suck it up and get a job to help pay the rest of her bills or live with family. Sucks yes, but get over it and do what you have to do. * unless the army needs the room for single soldiers which takes precidence over your situation**

  5. as a geographical bachelor, your unit is not required to give you free housing because you are already collecting BAH.  Them giving you a barracks room is out of the kindness of their own heart.  It sucks, but I have had to tell guys that a few times because we just needed the rooms for actual single guys.  My best advice is to look for a roommate, it sucks but I am sure you can find a cheap place.

  6. yes they can kick you out of the barracks  at any time for any reason.   ESPECIALLY since you are married and have accompanied orders.  they don;t care that she CHOSE not to move with you( and yes, a custody issue is deemda choice not to move).  

    Barracks are for single/Unaccompanied personnel.  be thankful they allowed to still collect BAH while living there.  they could have made you forfeit BAH altogether.  

  7. Yeah, that is the way it goes.  The military is not going to pay for you to live somewhere and your family to live somewhere else.  You can be a geo bachelor for a short amount of time so that you can make other arrangements.  If you are Navy, you can live on the ship.

  8. It's possible that you could make arrangements to stay in the dorm temporary.  Discuss your situation with your First Sgt.

    As per the regulations, NO - you can only receive BHA and reside in the dorm if you are Temporary Duty.

    There is something listed in the handbook that talks about geographical separation and getting BHA but that still didn't mention anything about allowing the member to stay in the barracks.

    Start on Page 13 of this pdf file.

  9. Yes, they can kick you out of the barracks. Because it isn't the military forcing you to live apart, they aren't required to house you in the barracks since you are receiving BAH. Remaining in the barracks is completely up to command discretion, so this is something you'll have to take up with your CoC. There is no other recourse.  

  10. will need to better budget your money.  

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